Skin integrity – assess oral mucosa for infection, assess for pressure ulcers, assist patient with turning & repositioning q2h
Elimination – assess frequency & consistency of stools, if patient has diarrhea, ensure adequate perineal care to prevent skin breakdown; may need to obtain stool culture if multiple episodes of diarrhea; may need anti-diarrheal med
Prevent infection – monitor for s&s of infection (especially for GI & respiratory symptoms), monitor WBC
Activity intolerance – teach patient about energy conservation techniques (e.g. wash while sitting); keep frequently used items in reach
Mental status – assess for abnormalities in memory, thought process, behavior – if any abnormalities, keep communication simple and calm; provide patient with same daily routine; may need 24 hr supervision
Respiratory status - assess for signs & symptoms of respiratory infection, teach patient to use incentive spirometer, place in semi-Flower's position
Analgesia – pain may be produced by perineal skin breakdown due to frequent diarrhea, Kaposi's sarcoma lesions or peripheral neuropathy
Decreasing isolation & enhancing coping - the patient may experience anger, guilt & shame, depression, loss of relationships; the nurse must provide an environment of acceptance