Unilineal - descent through either the maternal or paternal line only
Matrilineal - descent through the female line
Patrilineal - descent through the male line
Bilateral - descent through both the mother and father
Having a direct family relationship or affinity
Being married to onespouse
The practice of having more than onespouse
Types of Household
One-person - An arrangement in which oneperson makes provision for his/her own food or other essentials for living without combining with any other person
Multi-person - A group of two or morepersons living together who make commonprovision for food or other essentials for living
Refers to the members of the household who are related, to a specified degree, through blood, adoption or marriage
Consists of at leasttwo members
Members of a family must be related
Cannot comprise more than one household
May consist of only one person
Members of a multi-person household need not be related to each other
Can contain more than one family; or one or more families together with one or more non-related persons; or it can consist entirely of non-related persons
Types of Political Organization
Bands - These are most often found in foraging societies, and associated with low populationdensities, distribution systems based on reciprocity, and egalitarian social relations
Tribes - These are found among horticulturists and pastoralists societies, has larger and more sedentary populations, lack centralized political leadership, and egalitarian in nature
Chiefdoms - These involve a more formal and permanent political structure, political authority rests with individuals, and rely on feasting and tribute