Review For CLE

Cards (46)

  • We express our faith by saying: “I believe” or “we believe.”
  • Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed are the two most significant significant and widely used statements of faith in the Christian Church.
  • The Apostles Creed
     is a brief summary of Christian beliefs that dates back to the early days of the Church, and it isattributed to the apostles themselves.
  • The Nicene Creed
     is a more detailed statement of faith that was formulated by church leaders in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea.
  • Our profession faith or the Creed begins with God, for God is the First and the Last, the beginning and
    the end of everything.
  • Lent is a period of remembering the time when Jesus went to the desert for forty days to pray. During that time He ate nothing.
  • We begin the Lenten Season on February 14.
  • ASH WEDNESDAY Marks the Beginning of lent
  • On Ash Wednesday, the sign of the cross will be put on your forehead
    using ashes.
  • They are by burning palms which have been saved from the previous year’s Palm Sunday, they are then blessed by a Priest.
  • During Ash Wednesday (& Good Friday), people who are 14-60 years
    old are asked to practice fasting and abstinence. AND DO GOOD WORKS.
  • The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a part of Jesus’ Christ Sacrament of
    Healing it is obtain pardon from God’s mercy for the offenses we committed against Him and be reconciled with the Church.
  • Preparation: Before going to confession, the penitent “compare your life” with the Ten commandments, the Beatitudes and the example of Christ and then prays to God for forgiveness.
  • Going to confession: After the priest welcomes you, both of you make the sign of the cross.
  • The word of God: You or the priest may read one of the suggested scriptural passage.
  • Confession of Sins and the Act of Penance: Confess your sins. The priest offers suitable advice and imposes an act of penance or satisfaction, which may include prayer, self-denial, or works of mercy.
  • Prayer of the Penitent: Pray a prayer expressing sorrow for your sins
    and resolving not to sin again.
  • Absolution: The priest extends his hands over your head and pronounces the formula of absolution, making the sign of the cross over your head during the final words. You answer, “Amen”
  • Proclamation of Praise: Praise the mercy of God and give him
    thanks in a short innovation taken from Scripture, such us “Rejoice
    in the Lord and sing for joy, friends of God” Psalm 32:1-7, 10-11)
  • Dismissal: The priest dismisses you with the command to go in peace.
  • On Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are being reconciled with God.
  • -Personal sin refers to individual acts of wrongdoing or moral transgressions committed by a person.
  • -Social sin extends beyond individual actions to encompass collective
    wrongdoing within a community, society, or institution.
  • -Structural sin goes even further, emphasizing the presence of sinful
    elements in the very structures and systems that make up society.
  • In the sacrament of Anointing of the sick, the priest lays his hands
    upon the sick person and offers the prayer of faith.
  • His special grace and healing presence come to us through the Priest.
  • Holy oil represents strength, sweetness, and spiritual activity.
  • Holy Week is the last seven days of Lent. It begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday.
  • The palm symbolizes peace and victory
  • “Maundy” means Commandment
  • GOOD FRIDAY- It's the day Jesus died on the cross for us and saved us
    from our sin.
  • VOCATION- as arising from God’s personal call to respond to the needs of others and of the Church itself;
  • MINISTRY- as serving to build up and strengthen the Church mission
  • The vocation of every Christian is a response to Christ’s call. “Come and
    follow me”
  • The Sacrament of Holy Orders is considered a service because it involves the ordination of individuals into roles of ministry within the Church.
  • BISHOP - the successor of the apostles
  • EPISCOPATE- This is the highest form of Priesthood.
  • PRESBYTERATE- Serve the bishop by proclaiming the word and
    offering sacrifices.
  • Diaconate - Serving bishop by aiding in worship, charity, and pastoral
    preaching…(Baptism, funerals and marriage)