We express our faith by saying: “I believe” or “we believe.”
Apostles Creed and Nicene Creed are the two most significant significant and widely used statements of faith in the Christian Church.
The Apostles Creed
is a brief summary of Christian beliefs that dates back to the early days of the Church, and it isattributed to the apostles themselves.
The NiceneCreed
is a more detailed statement of faith that was formulated by church leaders in 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea.
Our profession faith or the Creed begins with God, for God is the First and the Last, the beginning and
the end of everything.
Lent is a period of remembering the time when Jesus went to the desert for forty days to pray. During that time He ate nothing.
We begin the Lenten Season on February 14.
ASH WEDNESDAY Marks the Beginning of lent
On Ash Wednesday, the signofthecross will be put on your forehead
using ashes.
They are by burning palms which have been saved from the previous year’s Palm Sunday, they are then blessed by a Priest.
During Ash Wednesday (& Good Friday), people who are 14-60 years
old are asked to practice fasting and abstinence. AND DO GOOD WORKS.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a part of Jesus’ Christ Sacrament of
Healing it is obtain pardon from God’s mercy for the offenses we committed against Him and be reconciled with the Church.
Preparation: Before going to confession, the penitent “compare your life” with the Ten commandments, the Beatitudes and the example of Christ and then prays to God for forgiveness.
Going to confession: After the priest welcomes you, both of you make the sign of the cross.
The word of God: You or the priest may read one of the suggested scriptural passage.
Confession of Sins and the Act of Penance: Confess your sins. The priest offers suitable advice and imposes an act of penance or satisfaction, which may include prayer, self-denial, or works of mercy.
Prayer of the Penitent: Pray a prayer expressing sorrow for your sins
and resolving not to sin again.
Absolution: The priest extends his hands over your head and pronounces the formula of absolution, making the sign of the cross over your head during the final words. You answer, “Amen”
Proclamation of Praise: Praise the mercy of God and give him
thanks in a short innovation taken from Scripture, such us “Rejoice
in the Lord and sing for joy, friends of God” Psalm 32:1-7, 10-11)
Dismissal: The priest dismisses you with the command to go in peace.
On Sacrament of Reconciliation, we are being reconciled with God.
-Personal sin refers to individual acts of wrongdoing or moral transgressions committed by a person.
-Social sin extends beyond individual actions to encompass collective
wrongdoing within a community, society, or institution.
-Structural sin goes even further, emphasizing the presence of sinful
elements in the very structures and systems that make up society.
In the sacrament of Anointing of the sick, the priest lays his hands
upon the sick person and offers the prayer of faith.
His special grace and healing presence come to us through the Priest.
Holy oil represents strength, sweetness, and spiritual activity.
Holy Week is the last seven days of Lent. It begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday.
The palm symbolizes peace and victory
“Maundy” means Commandment
GOOD FRIDAY- It's the day Jesus died on the cross for us and saved us
from our sin.
VOCATION- as arising from God’s personal call to respond to the needs of others and of the Church itself;
MINISTRY- as serving to build up and strengthen the Church mission
The vocation of every Christian is a response to Christ’s call. “Come and
follow me”
The Sacrament ofHoly Orders is considered a service because it involves the ordination of individuals into roles of ministry within the Church.
BISHOP - the successor of the apostles
EPISCOPATE- This is the highest form of Priesthood.
PRESBYTERATE- Serve the bishop by proclaiming the word and
offering sacrifices.
Diaconate - Serving bishop by aiding in worship, charity, and pastoral