Katherine Hill, senior research associate at the Centre for Research in Social Policy at Loughborough University: '"Children living at home well into their 20s is not a temporary phenomenon, it's here to stay."'
A lot of young people will spend most of a decade of their lives living like this
Reasons for rise in boomerang children families - Economic
increasingtuition fees, a precarious job market and low wages, sky-high private sector rents and rising house prices and mortgage deposits. Consequently, this leads to individuals moving back in with their parents after university/a period of living out on their own; thus giving rise to boomerang children families.
Divorce & Relationship Breakdown
cult of the individual'- people no longer stay in unhappy marriages compared to previous years etc. and relationship breakdown become more common.
Reasons for rise in boomerang children families
Divorce & Relationship Breakdown
Economic reasons
Tuition fees
Precarious job market and low wages
Sky-high private sector rents
Rising house prices and mortgage deposits
The growing cost of housing has fuelled the boomerang trend, with the proportion of adults aged 25-34 owning a home falling from 55% in 1996 to 34% in 2016
Renting privately consumed 9% of tenants' income on average in 1961; by 2017 it accounted for 36%
More than one million under-25s are now unemployed
Future students should expect to finish their degree with debts approaching £60,000
Economic reasons
Individuals moving back in with their parents after university/a period of living out on their own
Divorce & Relationship Breakdown
Notion of 'pure relationships'
Relationships and marriages are no longer seen as necessarily being permanent
Marriage is now based on confluent love
If couples are not fulfilled in their relationship, they no longer stay together out of a sense of duty
Divorce & Relationship Breakdown
Individuals moving back in with their parents after separation/divorce/relationship breakdown