Passe Compose

Cards (100)

  • What does passé composé literally translate to?
    Compound past
  • what is passé composé used for?
    Specific moments in time
  • What are the two components of passé composé?
    The auxiliary verb and the past participle
  • What two verbs can be the auxiliary verb?
    avoir or être
  • which verb is more commonly used as the auxiliary?
  • how many verbs use être as an auxiliary?
  • what is special about the past participle when être is the auxiliary verb?
    The past participle needs to agree in number and gender
  • what verbs can be the past participle?
    any of them, with the correct ending
  • what tense are the auxiliary verbs conjugated in?
    present tense
  • What is the ending for regular -er verb past participles?
  • What is the ending for regular -ir verb past participles?
  • What is the ending for regular -re verb past participles?
  • What part of the passé composé do we negate?
    the conjugated auxiliary verb
  • Conjugate in the present tense: Je (avoir)
  • Conjugate in the present tense: Tu (avoir)
    Tu as
  • Conjugate in the present tense: il (avoir)
    il a
  • Conjugate in the present tense: elle (avoir)
    elle a
  • Conjugate in the present tense: on (avoir)
    on a
  • Conjugate in the present tense: nous (avoir)
    nous avons
  • Conjugate in the present tense: vous (avoir)
    vous avez
  • Conjugate in the present tense: ils (avoir)
    ils ont
  • Conjugate in the present tense: elles (avoir)
    elles ont
  • Conjugate in the present tense: je (être)
    je suis
  • Conjugate in the present tense: tu (être)
    tu es
  • Conjugate in the present tense: il (être)
    il est
  • Conjugate in the present tense: elle (être)
    elle est
  • Conjugate in the present tense: on (être)
    on est
  • Conjugate in the present tense: nous (être)
    nous sommes
  • Conjugate in the present tense: vous (être)
    vous êtes
  • Conjugate in the present tense: ils (être)
    ils sont
  • Conjugate in the present tense: elles (être)
    elles sont
  • past participle: Fêter
  • past participle: oublier
  • past participle: chercher
  • past participle: acheter
  • past participle: envoyer
  • past participle: choisir
  • past participle: finir
  • past participle: grandir
  • past participle: obéir