1. Week 1: Zygote divides rapidly as it travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus
2. Week 2: Zygote implants into the uterine lining, cells differentiate into the embryonic disc and trophoblast
3. Weeks 3-4: Neural tube, heart, blood vessels, and limbs start to develop
4. Weeks 5-8: Organs and body systems continue to develop rapidly, embryo becomes a fetus
5. Weeks 9-12: Major organs and structures are formed, fetus resembles a human
6. Weeks 13-16: Fetus grows rapidly, movements become more coordinated, genitalia start to differentiate
7. Weeks 17-20: Lanugo and vernix caseosa develop, mother can feel fetal movements
8. Weeks 21-24: Lungs continue to develop, fetus may have sleep and wakefulness periods
9. Weeks 25-28: Brain continues to develop, senses become more refined, chance of survival if born prematurely
10. Weeks 29-32: Fetus gains weight, bones become harder
11. Weeks 33-38: Organs mature further, fetus continues to gain weight in preparation for birth