1987 ConstitutionArticle2Section14: It provides that the state acknowledged women'scontributions to nation-building and must guarantee women and men have equalstanding under the law
Adopted by the United Nations in 1979 and became effective on September3,1981
Philippines was the firstASEAN country to ratify CEDAW
August5, 1981
July 5, 1980
As of May2015, 189states had ratified the Convention
WomeninDevelopmentandNation-BuildingAct (R.A.7192 and (RR 1992)
It aspires to promotewomen'sactiveengagement in nation-building and development by encouraging equalopportunities in politics, economics, and society
MagnaCartaforWomen (Republic Act No. 9710)
It is a comprehensive women'shumanrights law that aims to abolish discriminations by recognizing, protecting, fulfilling, and promoting the rights of Filipino women, particularly those from marginalizedgroups in society
An individual who has twosexes
Societal and cultural roles
Biologicalidentity of a person
Sexual orientation and attraction
House of representatives
House of representatives
Local / Jurisdiction area
Sex is done for reproduction
Testosterone (XY) prostatecancer
Estrogen's (XX) Menopause, Menstruation
Phenomenon of determining the normality of the behavior, whether it confirms or not to the expectations on onebiologicalsex
Encompasses psychological (pertains to mentalprocess and behavior) and social (pertains to anything associated with humanrelationship)
Psychological aspect of gender and sexuality, anchors itself on the Field of Psychology.Psychology, a field of Science, which is concerned with howpeoplethink and feel, and how thoughts and feelinginteract and lead the behavior.
Three primary psychological domains:
1)Affect: refers to people's emotions and feelings
2) Behavior: Pertains to people'sactions. Both observable (overt) or not-readily observable (covert).
3) Cognition: Or cognitive domain pertains to peoplesthoughtsprocessing such as memory, perception, and informationprocessing.
Sexual behavior
Originates with what we sense, think, and feel
Gender-related behavior
Originates with what we sense, think, and feel
Our consciousunderstanding of something
We are in constantprocess towards self-awareness
Understanding others
Intimacy and relationship
When two people recognize and become aware of each other, they decide to keep close in distance with each other's lives
Share their personal things
Allow frequency of interaction between them
Psychosexual perspective in gender-sexuality
Based on love, intimacy, and relationship
A complexphenomenon characterized by an affective and cognitiveinclination to someone and set a social behavior geared towards cohesion
A psychological component of love, knowing and being known by someone in a deeply personallevel, emotional closeness, and connection
Emotive and physical component of love, dive towards sexual and attraction
Decision to engage and maintain loving relationship
A social bond between and among individuals manifested through communication and other forms of interaction. This band, maybe biological or determined by socialcontracts such as social consensus or laws