Parts of the Holy Mass

Cards (10)

  • Main Parts of the Holy Mass
    1. Introductory Rites
    2. Liturgy of the Word
    3. Liturgy of the Eucharist
    4. Concluding Rites
  • Introductory Rites
    1. Entrance and Veneration of the Altar
    2. Sign of the Cross
    3. Greetings
    4. Act of Penance
    5. Kyrie
    6. Gloria
    7. Collect
  • Liturgy of the Word
    1. First Reading
    2. Responsorial Psalm
    3. Second Reading
    4. Gospel
    5. Homily
    6. Profession of Faith (creed)
    7. Prayers of the Faithful
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist
    1. Preparation of Gifts
    2. Eucharist Prayer
    3. Communion Rite
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist
    A.Preparation of Gifts
    1. Preparation of the Altar and Preparation of Gifts
    2. Mixing of Water and Wine
    3. Washing of Hands
    4. Prayer over Offerings
  • |||. B. Eucharist Prayer
    1. Preface
    2. Sanctus
    3. Epiciesis
    4. Word of institution and Consecration
    5. Mystery of Faith
    6. Anamnesis, offering, intercession
    7. Final Doxology
  • |||. C. Communion Rite
    1. The Lord's Prayer
    2. Rite of Peace
    3. Fraction, Commingling, and Lamb of God
    4. Holy Communion
    5. Prayers after Communion
  • Concluding Rites
    1. Announcement
    2. Greeting and Blessing
    3. Dismissal
    4. Prayers after Communion
  • Epiciesis
    -special invocation of the Holy Spirit
  • Anamnesis
    -liturgical statement in Christianity in which the church refers to the memorial character of Eucharist or to the passion, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus