Cards (32)

  • Evapotranspiration
    Combined loss of water vapor from the surface of plants and evaporation of moisture from the soil, inputs required for estimation are precipitation, temperature and latitude
  • Evapotranspiration

    • Increases the runoff Rate
    • Reduces Infiltration
    • Can worsen flooding and erosion risk
  • Flooding
    Occurs where water courses do not have the capacity to transfer the surplus water generated
  • Base Flow
    • Movement of water between the surface body and groundwater
    • Contributes to the river flow varies significantly with the geology and topography of a catchment and with season
  • Return Period or Recurrence Interval
    • Common way of showing the chances of the flow or rainfall even to reoccur
    • Statistical analysis based on measured historic data
    • Tells us the chances of the same flow of rain increasing in a year
    • Return Period = 1/P (P = probability of Exceedance)
    • Example: For a 2-year return period: P = 1/2 or 50%
  • Water Budget
    • Calculated for a period of time and are given in depth (m)
    • Presented as a volume by multiplying the depth by the surface area of the watershed
    • Thornthwaite and Mather (1955): P-R-G-ET= S, where: P = precipitation, R= surface runoff, G= groundwater flow, ET= evapotranspiration, and S = change in storage in a specified time period
  • Surface and Groundwater Quality Attributes
    • Chemical
    • Physical
    • Biological
  • Surface Runoff
    Runoff curves, developed from combination of hydrologic soil grouping, can be estimated using hydrologic models
  • Fluvial Geomorphology
    • Processes of water and sediment movement in rivers and their floodplains
    • Study of sediment sources, the fluxes and the storage within river catchments, study of resultant channel and floodplain morphology
  • Fluvial Geomorphology Assessment
    1. Desktop Study: Maps and Aerial Photographs, existing survey information, topographical information and digital elevation models to calculate stream power
    2. Field Study: fluvial audit or stream reconnaissance survey, survey of the channel, sediment analysis, use of unmanned aerial vehicle technology
  • Geomorphological threshold
    Condition allowing landform stability, a dynamic equilibrium through many factors
  • Factors Affecting the Geomorphology - EXTERNAL
    • Catchment form
    • Drainage network
    • Flora and fauna
    • Land Use
    • Modification
    • Management practices
    • Geology
  • Factors Affecting the Geomorphology - INTERNAL
    • Stream gradient
    • Mode of adjustment
    • Cross section morphology
    • Bed and bank conditions
    • Floodplain connectivity
    • River continuity
    • Flow regime
  • Simple Geomorphological Classification of Channels
    • Cohesive - A1: Bedrock, A2: Sild-day channels
    • Non-Cohesive - B1: Sand, B2: Gravel, B3: Boulder Bed Channels
  • Checklist provides different issues
    • Surface water hydrology
    • River hydrology
    • Surface water quality
    • Erosion and sedimentation
    • Geomorphology
    • Aquatic ecosystems
  • Sources of Impact
    • Storage reservoir
    • Flow diversion
    • Standing water
    • Accumulation of sediments
    • Changes in hydrology
    • Potential impact: change in habitat and biota, dewatering, altering fish species, and potential changes to erosion pattern
  • Source - Pathway - Receptor Model
    • Source: specific development activity
    • Pathway: mechanism by which that source can affect a receptor
    • Receptor: include physical, human or fauna/flora
  • Potential Water Quantity Effects
    • Replacement of natural vegetated, impermeable paved areas
    • Abstraction from rivers
    • Artificial discharges to the water environment
    • Artificial cooling water discharges to the environment from a power station
  • Water Quantity Assessment
    1. Desktop Study: catchment boundary/area and drainage patterns, digital terrain models, procurement of existing flow records
    2. Field Study:Temporary stream gauging to determine flow regime
  • Water Quality Assessment
    1. Desktop Study: use of existing information, environmental protection agencies, routine monitoring, bathing waters and surface waters used for extraction
    2. Field Study: survey of river, biological or fisheries surveys, groups of freshwater organisms as indicators of given pollutants, biological monitoring methods
  • Typical sources of Information and Data for Surface Water
    • River engineering/ manipulation
    • Development on river floodplains
    • Reservoirs and Dams
    • Drainage Schemes
    • Water abstraction
    • Sewage treatment
    • River crossing
  • Indirect source of impact on water
    • Roads
    • Urban and Commercial Development
    • Industrial development
    • Landfill
    • Forestry and deforestation
    • Industry agriculture
  • Impact Assessment
    • Detailed evaluation of the environmental and social impacts of the planned project and identified alternatives
    • Include qualitative descriptions such as measuring high or low impact and quantitative descriptions such as indicating cubic meters of water withdrawn
    • Done to allow comparisons
    • It is indispensable in order to provide systematic and detailed descriptions of the probable impacts
  • Mitigation
    • Minimizing or avoiding the described impacts
    • Mitigation measures are a response to the findings of impact assessment
    • Key focus should be on : preventive measures to avoid occurrence of impacts, measures to limit the severity and duration of the impacts, and compensation mechanisms for those impacts that are unavoidable
    • Mitigation measures are a critical part of the EIA process as these actions aim to prevent adverse impacts from the planned project
  • Why conduct IA&M?
    To identify and understand and then prevent or minimize the adverse impacts of the planned project
  • Key Contributions of Impacts assessment and mitigation to a good EIA
    • Provides a clear and itemized list of relevant impacts on the environment and the people
    • Detailed list of mitigation actions is identified
    • Impacts and related mitigation actions are evaluated and identified according to the key environmental, social, and cultural characteristics of the area where the project will be implemented
  • Methodological Approaches to Impact assessment
    • Expert judgement
    • Quantitative physical and mathematical models
    • Cumulative impact assessment
    • Matrices and interaction diagrams
    • Rapid impact assessment matrix (RIAM)
    • Battelle Environmental Evaluation System
  • Mitigation actions to address impacts
    • Development of alternatives to a proposed project
    • Specific mitigation actions are described in project alternatives
    • Examples: technological process to eliminate organic effluents, replanting of vegetation on slopes, building additional protection to limit noise, training people for new kinds of jobs
  • Guidelines for devising mitigation actions
    • Identify the mitigation actions that most reduce the impacts
    • Identify mitigation actions that reduce the severity of impacts to the lowest possible level
    • Include activities designed to monitor compliance with agreements established in the assessment
    • Identify potential risks of accidents
  • Mitigation Hierarchy
    • Widely accepted approach for environmental conservation
    • Set of prioritized steps to limit negative impacts as far as possible through avoidance, mitigation, restoration, and offsetting
  • Leopold Matrix
    • Rows cover the key aspects of the environment and society
    • Columns list the project's activities during all stages of the project
    • Upper left-hand corner of the box indicate the magnitude of the specific action's impact, lower right-hand corner indicate the importance of the impact to the project (rated 1-10, negative indicates negative impact or damages)
    • Result of leopold matrix is the project impact value (PIV)
  • Key steps for conducting impact assessment and related mitigation
    • Perform a detailed assessment of impacts of all project phases on the environment, socioeconomic systems, and other areas
    • Conduct an assessment of cumulative impacts
    • Compile similar impacts into groups to make the impact analyses easier to understand
    • Identify mitigation actions to eliminate the identified impacts
    • Identify specific mitigation measures to reduce cumulative impacts