Properties or behaviors that emerge only when parts interact as a whole
A measure of survival and reproduction of a trait or genotype
Observable characteristics or trait
A human-centered perspective
Permanent establishment of trait, gene, or genotype
Convergent Evolution
Appearance of similar traits NOT due to a common ancestor
Microbial Mats are the earliest evidence of life on Earth (that most scientists agree on)
Microbial Mats
Multilayered sheets of prokaryotic cells
Each layer is dominated by specific types of microorganisms
Creates food chain in the mat
Possible birthplace of eukaryotes and multicellularity
Hypothermal Vents
Chemical energy to form large molecules from smaller ones
Nothing is in equilibrium; lots of chemical energy
Constrains to where life can live
Anoxygenic Photosynthesis
Enabled movement to new environments
Do not produce oxygen
Need chemical energy from the environment to make their energy
Oxygenic Photosynthesis
Necessary for the evolution of complex life
Bacteria and archaea can be multicellular, usually under special environmental conditions, but not exactly the same as "complex" multicellularity in eukaryotes
Formation of long chains of cells, some of which elongate but do not divide
Linear or brance
Single or multiple layers
Many clonal in origin
Not a necessary to be in multicellular form to survive
Cells embedded in self-produced extracellular matrix
Biofilm or swarms
Cells have distinct morphologies
Can be colonel or non-colonal
Not a necessary to be in multicellular form to survive
Multicellular Magnetotactic Prokaryotes (MMP)
Magnetotactic: orient themselves to Earth's magnetic field
Joined at tight intercellular junctions
Division by fission of entire structures
Only OBLIGATE multicellular bacteria
Can be a colonel or not
Multicellularity is a major evolutionary transition and a key step in the evolution of life
Multicellularity evolved several times and is not a homology
An organism's ability to pass on its genetic material to the next generation
All matter is subject to the physical laws of the universe, and life has additional constraints from fitness and ancestors
Advantages of Multicellularity
Resistance to Stress: temperature, pH, osmotic pressure, and more
Resistance to Predidators: bigger = easier to resist engulfment
Improved Nutrient Acquisition: better at catching and consuming prey
Division of Labor: leads to cell specialization
Disadvantages of Multicellularity
Energetic costs: need to make adhesive and communication molecules
Physical Limitations: less freedom of movement
Need to Resolve Conflicts Between Cells: what to do with "cheater" cells?
Multicellularity enables new possibilities like cell differentiation, development of structures, and implications to intelligence and consciousness
Theories of Multicellularity
Symbiotic Theory: cooperations of single-celled organisms from different species, each with a different role
Colonial Theory: cooperations of single-celled organisms from the same species
Cellularization Theory: a single cell with multiple nuclei
Basic structural and functional unit of life
An ensemble of similar cells that together carry out a specific function
Cell or tissue specialization
Cells interact and adhere with neighboring cells
Form and structure of organisms
Simple Multicellularity
Reproductive and somatic cells
Adhesive molecules to maintain a unified structure
Limited signaling and sharing of resources between cells
Complex Multicellularity
Reproductive, somatic, and other complex cell differentiation
Adhesive molecules to maintain unified structures
Organizedsignaling and resource-sharing
Tissue differentiation (specialized tissues) and programmed cell death (apoptosis)
Things will flow from high concentration to low (equilibrium) concentration
Unicellular organisms can exchange gasses through diffusion (passive) through channels
Limited in size by ambient pressure of O2 (only a few mm thick)
Bulk Transport
How complex multicellular organisms transport oxygen
Cells -> tissues -> organs -> organ systems
Interactions are very important; parts do not make the system
Bilaterian animals mostly have well-developed circulatory and respiratory systems
Vascular plants transport with xylem and phloem
The Eukaryotic Cell
Lots of genes needed for complex multicellularity
Eukaryotic DNA is highly condensed
Dynamic cytoskeleton and membrane systems
Cell differentiation and programmed cell death (apoptosis)
All living organisms (mostly) must take in oxygen and repel carbon dioxide
Unicellular life and simpler animals can directly exchange with the environment through diffusion, while complex body plans require cell adhesion, communication, and differentiation
Complex multicellular organisms must also process complex genetic and signaling pathways only possible in eukaryotic cells
Evolution cannot predict the future, but traits with immediate benefits will remain in a population
Sexual reproduction is nearly universal across eukaryotes