Jethro Tull (Seed drill)
John Key (Flying Shuttle)
James Hargreaves (Spinning Jenny)
Richard Arkwright (Water Frame)
Samuel Crompton (Power Loom)
Eli Whitney (Cotton Gin)
Henry Bessemer (Bessemer Converter)
James Watt (Steam Engine)
John McAdam (Macadam Road surface)
Robert Fulton (Steamboat)
George Stephenson (Steam Train)
Gottlieb Daimler (Gasoline Powered Car)
Rudolf Diesel (Diesel Engine)
Henry Ford (Low price cars (Model T), Inventor of the car brand (Ford))
Charles Goodyear (vulcanizing)
Joseph Michel & Jacques Etienne Montgolfier (Hot air Balloon)
Wilbur Orville Wright (Eroplano)
Ferdinand Van Zeppelin (Airship)
Alexander Graham Bell (Telepono)
Thomas Edison (Light bulb)
Samuel F. B. Morse & Cyrus Field (Telegropo)
Guglielmo Marconi (Wireless telegraph, Shortwave wireless communication)