Presents five food groups in a pie chart - representing a plate
Australian guide to healthy eating
Strengths - single visual guide, five food groups easily understood and recognised, proportions are understood
Australian guide to healthy eating - government
Australian guide to healthy eating
Limitations - serving sizes are not explained
Healthy eating pyramid - nutrition australia
Healthy eating pyramid
contains four layers relating to the proportions of different foods that should be consumed
Healthy eating pyramid
Strengths - simple, visual, guide including 5 food groups, herbs and spices to address alternatives to salt
Healthy eating pyramid
Limitations - portion sizes are not included, people may overconsume
Health star rating
Quick way of rating the nutritional profile of packaged foods you see at the supermarket. Compares similar types of food not the difference between foods
Health star rating
Strengths - simple visual guide to use while shopping, makes identifying a healthy product easier
Health star rating
Limitations - health star rating is voluntary, based on nutrients not whole foods