Maternal semi

Cards (42)

  • Breastfeeding
    Not contraindicated in Hirschsprung disease
  • Diagnostic findings? You can palpate it
  • Management of Hirschsprung disease
    Barium enema reduction
  • Complication of delayed treatment of Hirschsprung disease
  • Nursing action when patient experiences abdominal pain and vomiting

    Start IV resuscitation
  • Appropriate nursing action is to encourage parents to ask questions and express concerns
  • Priority nursing intervention to monitor complications of Hirschsprung disease

    Monitoring vital signs and response to interventions regularly
  • Nursing action to assess hydration status
    Evaluate skin turgor and mucus membrane moisture
  • Nursing intervention to address baby's discomfort and promote rest
    Encourage the parents to hold and comfort the baby as needed
  • Down syndrome
    Chromosomal abnormality is Trisomy 21
  • Individuals with Down syndrome
    • Epicanthal folds are commonly seen
  • Developmental milestone delayed in babies with Down syndrome is walking
  • Effect of third copy of chromosome 21 in Down syndrome

    Disrupts normal gene expression
  • Accommodations for individuals with Down syndrome in school

    Providing visual aids and simplified instructions
  • Common health conditions associated with Down syndrome
    • Hearing loss
    • Visual problems
  • Prenatal screening for Down syndrome

    Testing the levels of specific markers in maternal blood
  • Ethical considerations when discussing options for treatment of Down syndrome include the impact of test results on parental decision making
  • Hyperbilirubinemia
    High levels of bilirubin in blood
  • Complication of severe untreated hyperbilirubinemia is Kernicterus
  • Hyperbilirubinemia in babies is dangerous and requires intensive care in the NICU under phototherapy
  • Purpose of phototherapy
    Breaks down the bilirubin in the skin
  • Physiologic jaundice is not dangerous as it appears within the first 2 days after birth due to the immaturity of the baby's liver, but pathologic jaundice refers to hyperbilirubinemia
  • Management of hyperbilirubinemia
    Exchange transfusion
  • Signs and symptoms of hyperbilirubinemia
    • Jaundice
    • Dark urine
    • Abdominal pain
  • A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables is beneficial for patients with hyperbilirubinemia
  • ABO incompatibility

    Cause of jaundice in the first few weeks of life
  • ABO incompatibility between the mother and baby's blood type can cause the baby's jaundice
  • ABO incompatibility differs from Rh incompatibility in that Rh incompatibility leads to maternal sensitization while ABO does not
  • Lab test to confirm ABO incompatibility
    Direct Coombs test
  • Nursing intervention for ABO incompatibility
    Initiate phototherapy
  • Nursing intervention for breastfeeding to help jaundice

    Monitor bilirubin levels closely and adjust feeding schedules accordingly
  • Hydrocephalus
    Accumulation of excess CSF in ventricles or subarachnoid space
  • Reason for CSF accumulation in hydrocephalus is not the presence of infectious agents
  • Transillumination
    Method of pointing a bright light against the skull
  • Clinical manifestations of hydrocephalus
    • Bulging eyes
  • Incision site for hydrocephalus surgery is at the posterior fontanelle
  • Early detection of hydrocephalus
    Measure head circumference within an hour of birth and again before discharge
  • A diuretic might be prescribed for hydrocephalus
  • Increased intracranial pressure
    Most important nursing diagnosis for hydrocephalus
  • Rationale for not allowing CSF to flow too rapidly during treatment is to prevent brain damage