Cards (40)

  • Reading Comprehension is the ability to read text, process it, and understand its meaning
  • Reading Comprehension relies on two interconnected abilities; word reading and language comprehension
  • Word reading - decoding the symbols on the page
  • Language comprehension - understanding the meaning of the words and sentences
  • 3 comprehension strategies - predicting, summarizing, visualizing
  • 2 types of literary analysis - historical analysis and sociological analysis
  • Historical Analysis - examines the historical and intellectual factors that led to the creation of the particular literary work on its audience at the time
  • Sociological Analysis - investigates the social, cultural, economic and political
  • Sensory Images - words in a text that appeal to our five senses
  • visual - sight, olfactory - smell, kinesthetic - touch, auditory - hearing, gustatory - taste
  • Prose - nonmetric, non-rhythmic, properly constructed and grammatically correct sentences arranged in paragraph
  • 4 types of prose - novels, novellas, short stories, and vignettes
  • Novels - long fictional work that narrate significant or intimate human experiences
  • Novellas - generally shorter than novels
  • Short Stories - short fictional works, unified by a single theme or mood
  • Vignette - short piece of writing or description
  • Vocabulary - a super set of common words that everyone knows
  • Jargoon - a type of language among others with its own set of words that are unique
  • Utterance - the most basic unit of speech and begins and ends with a distinct pause
  • Four main features of utterance: paralinguistic, prosodic, nonfluency, and supplementary
  • Levels of utterance: content and feeling
  • Apostrophe - something or someone is addressed by the speaker in the poem
  • Hyperbole - uses an exaggerated statement
  • Imagery - sensory details that help readers to make a mental picture or imagine ideas, people, or settings
  • Metaphor - a direct comparison between two things
  • Simile - comparison that uses "as" or "like".
  • Alliteration - words beginning with the same consonant sounds
  • Assonance - the repetition of vowel sounds that begin with different consonant sounds
  • Rhyme - involves the use of words that end with the same or similar sounds
  • Onomatopoeia - use of words that imitate the sounds they represent
  • Who wrote the time machine?
    Herbert George Wells
  • Who are the two races in the story time machine?
    Eloi and Morlocks
  • What are the three predictions of H.G. Wells?
    1. the use of airplanes in war
    2. a global war
    3. an apocalyptic, post-global-war
  • A white Eloi that gives flowers to the traveler - Weena
  • What is Weena afraid of?
  • What are Morlocks afraid of?
  • Paralinguistic - facial expressions, gestures, postures
  • Prosodic - pitch, pausing, tempo, stress, volume
  • Nonfluency - pauses, false starts, tag questions, self-corrections
  • Supplementary - conjunctions, exclamations, accents, dialects, colloquialism, fillers