Lifts uppereyelid; turns eyeball upward,downward, and medially; constricts pupil; accommodateseye
Opening of CN III
Superior Orbital Fissure
Parts included in CN III
Levator palpebraesuperioris
Superior rectus
Inferior rectus
Inferior Oblique
Medial rectus
Name of CN IV
Trochlear Nerve
Component of CN IV
Function of CN IV
Assists in turning eyeball downward and laterally
Opening of CN IV
Superior orbital fissure
Name of CN V
Trigeminal Nerve
Component of CN V
Sensory and motor
Divisions of CN V
Component of CN V1
Component of CN V2
Component of V3
Motor and Sensory
Function of CN V1
Cornea, skin of forehead, scalp, eyelids, and nose; also mucous membrane of paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity
Function of CN V2
Skin of face over the maxilla and the upper lip, teeth of the upper jaw, mucous membrane of the nose, maxillary air sinus, and palate
Function of CN V3
Motor: Muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, and tensor tympani
Sensory: Skin of cheek, skin over mandible, lower lip, and side of head; teeth of lower jaw and temporomandibular joint; mucous membrane of mouth and anterior two thirds of the tongue
Opening of CN V1
superior orbital fissure
Opening of CN V2
foramen rotundum
Opening of CN V3
foramen ovale
Name of CN VI
Abducens Nerve
Component of Abducens
Function of CN VI
Lateral rectus muscle: turns eyeball laterally
Opening of CN VI
Superior orbital fissure
Name of CN VII
Facial Nerve
Component of CN VII
Motor and Sensory; Secretomotor Parasympathetic
Function of CN VII
Motor: Muscles of the face, cheek, and scalp; stapedius. muscle of the middle ear; stylohyoid; and posterior belly of digastric
Sensory: Taste from anterior two thirds of Uie tongue, floor o f mouth, and palate
Secretomotor parasympathetic: Submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, lacrimal gland, and glands of the nose and palate