Saying or writing mean and nasty things. It includes: Teasing, Name-calling, Making inappropriate sexual comments, Taunting, and Threatening to cause harm.
Social bullying
Hurting someone's reputation or relationships. It includes: Telling other children not to be friends with someone, Spreading rumors about someone, and Embarrassing someone in public.
Physical bullying
Hurting a person's body or destroying his/her possessions. It includes: Hitting/kicking/pinching, Spitting, Tripping/pushing, Taking or breaking someone's things, Making mean or rude hand gestures.
Verbal and social bullying done through use of technology and electronic means. It includes: Using social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.), Using mobile devices (i.e. cellphone), Using electronic mails (i.e. e-mails)
State Terrrorism
States or governments can use force or the threat of force, without declaring war, to terrorize their citizens and achieve a political goal
Intentional realease of toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians, in the name of a political or other cause
use of information technology attack civilians and draw attention to the terrorists' cause
use of violence in the interests of environmentalism, fur companies, logging companies, and animal research laboratories
Nuclear Terrorism
number of different ways nuclear materials might be used as a terrorist tactic
use of violence by drug traffickers to influence governments or prevent government's efforts in stopping the drug trade
sexual contact between persons who are so closely related that a marriage between them is considered illegal, ex. aunts and nieces
to handle, stroke or caress lovingly or erotically
Mutual Masturbation
two people touching each other's sexual organs for pleasure
sexual intercourse that involves inserting of the penis of one person into the anus of another person
sexual intercouse involving the insertion of the penis into the vagina
if you sense danger or sense that something is wrong you should immediately get away