Formed by the patricians at first, the plebeians joined later
There were two consuls, one of whom must be a plebeian
The patricians and the plebeians elected the consuls
Senate (Executive)
There were 600 senators, mainly patricians
It also included the tribunes who were representatives of the plebeians
The plebeians elected the tribunes
The Assembly (Legislative)
Formed by all male citizens (patricians and plebeians)
It elected officials and voted on bills
Spartan oligarchy
Rule by a few nobles
Spartan oligarchy components
Council of Elders
The Assembly
Council of Elders
There were 30 members, apart from the two kings, it consisted of 28 elders chosen from nobles aged over 60
The Council could withdraw and re-submit the bills again, meaning that the Assembly could not reject any bills
There were two kings (avoid abuse of power)
There were five overseers
All citizens were eligible to run in the election
They supervised the kings (check and balance/supervise)and helped run the government
The Assembly
It was formed by Spartan citizens
They elected the elders and the five ephors
The Assembly voted on the bills proposed by the Council of Elders, but had no right to discuss the bills
Athenian democracy
Rule of all citizens
Athenian democracy components
The Assembly
People's Court
The Assembly
Formed by all Athenian citizens
The Assembly could discuss, vote to accept or reject the bills proposed by the Council
They drafted bills for the Assembly to vote on (500 citizens)
Elected Officials
They were chosen by lots from among the citizens
They served no longer than one year
They had to report on their work to the citizens at the end of the year
People's Court
This consisted of 6,000 jurors chosen from among the citizens by lots
Each group (formed by 600 jurors) would be in charge of a court
Monarchy was the firsttype of politicalsystem found in Ancient Greece. By the 8th Century BC, most ancient Greek city-states wereruledbykings. They had totalcontrol of the decision-makingprocess.
Ruled with absolutepower
Controlled the army
Led the people in performing religiousrituals
Rule by a small group of people in ancient Greece
Around the 8th century BC, Sparta turned into oligarchy
Oligarchy in Sparta
There were still kings, but the CouncilofElders got the highestpower
The elders in Sparta were chosen from nobles, the minority of the population
Compared with monarchy, oligarchy could avoid absolute rulers
The Roman Republic was an example of the oligarchy system adopted and improved by later generations
Athenian Democracy
The Assembly was the decision-making body
All citizens regardless of wealth could join the Assembly and vote (included secret ballot) on bills
They could also be elected as officials by lots
Although only citizens could take part in governance, Athenian democracy was the most open political system in ancient Greece
People who were not citizens in ancient Greece
Adult women
Greek Citizens: free adult men born in and lived in the city states
They were protected by the law and enjoyed many rights, the had the right to vote and be elected as officials