Cards (27)

  • Bitmap graphic
    • Made up of individual pixels
  • Pixel
    Smallest identifiable area of an image, each pixel is a single colour and is given a binary value which represents that colour
  • Bits per pixel
    Determines the number of available colours for an image
  • Image metadata
    • Holds data about the image such as colour depth, resolution, date created, author
  • Image resolution
    Relationship between file size and image resolution
  • Digital image file formats
    • 5 different file formats that can be used
  • A pixel's colour can be changed by changing its binary value
  • Resolution
    Concentration of pixels within a specific area, defined by image width and height in pixels
  • Resolution examples
    • 72 PPI (Pixels Per Inch) = typical screen resolution
    • 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) = print quality resolution
    • Smartphones may have very high resolutions 300+ PPI
  • Each pixel is given a binary value, each value represents a different colour
  • Binary values for pixels
    • 0 = Black, 1 = White
  • Bits per pixel
    More bits per pixel = more colour combinations
  • Bits per pixel and number of colours
    • 1 bit = 2 Colours
    • 2 bits = 4 Colours
    • 3 bits = 8 Colours
    • 4 bits = 16 Colours
  • Bit depth
    Number of bits per pixel, determines the number of colours that can be represented
  • Number of colours
    Affects file size
  • Image size
    Affects file size
  • PBM monochrome images

    • Store image dimensions, change 'colours' by changing binary values
  • Converting bit pattern to 8x8 icon
    • 00000011,00000101,00001010,01010100,01101000,00110000,01011000,10000000
  • Pixel colour
    Each pixel has a proportion of red, green and blue, which from a distance makes up one colour
  • Colour values of individual pixels are expressed in software as denary RGB values and in hexadecimal
  • Metadata
    Data about data, information other than image data that is stored with a file
  • Metadata includes
    • Colour depth in bits per pixel
    • Resolution (Height and width in pixels)
    • Date created
    • Author
  • A bitmap graphic is made up of pixels
  • Each pixel is represented in binary
  • The number of bits per pixel determines the number of available colours for an image
  • Image metadata holds data about
    • Colour depth, resolution, date created, author
  • The greater the resolution of the image

    The greater the file size