A child's development is highly impacted by his or her immersion in his or her family and the culture, traditions, and values of his or her community and school
Delve into the recognition of learning and development that underscores the social and cultural influences in a child's environment and relations with adults and peers
The child is immersed in the life of the community where he or she grows up in
He or she lives and practices the traditions and customs and imbibes the values, and all these affect how he or she behaves, thinks, interacts or relates with others, and, most especially, learns
He or she learns from culture and this plays a significant role in his or her development
A renowned Russian educational psychologist who gave importance to the child's active participation in the learning environment and the role social interaction has in this process
A Russian-born American psychologist who developed the human ecology theory, which focuses on how people mature and develop through varied interactions and relationships with different members of society
If a child is not yet ready to learn a specific skill and this skill is taught to the child, he or she will take longer to learn the skill or not learn it at all.
Gesell fully supports early schooling and underscores the relationship between the teacher and the parents as critical in the early development of children.
Theory that gives importance to the child as the expert in the process of learning, and the child's innate desire or motivation to learn that drives him or her to keep progressing
Structured, reliable set of insights or beliefs about oneself, revolving around one's perception of his or her worth, what he or she is, and what he or she can do
Brain research shows that the brain develops from the time of conception into adulthood, with a million neural connections created every second in the first years of a child's life.