Compound to be tested is added to Tollen's Reagent and heated in a water bath
Result for aldehydes: formation of a silver mirror from the reduction of Ag+ (aq) ions to metallic Ag(s) as the aldehyde is oxidised to a carboxylic acid
Result for ketones: nothing
RCHO + 2Ag+ + 3OH- -> RCOO- +2Ag +2H2O
Alkenes can be formed from alcohols by acid catalysed elimination reactions - this is also known as a dehydration reaction
Reagents: conc. H2SO4/H3PO4
Conditions: 150-200°C
Step 1: Protonation of the hydroxyl group
Step 2: Elimination of a joinedwater molecule by forming a double bond (there must be atleast one H bonded to an adjacent carbon atom). If the only adjacent carbon atoms are tertiary, elimination can NOT occur
Reaction shows regeneration of H+ ion, demonstrating that the acid is acting like a catalyst
Elimination - pros and cons
Advantage: Alkenes produced by this method can be used to produce addition polymers without using monomers derived from crude oil
Disadvantage: Mixture of products MAY be formed in the second step
Antibumping Granules
Used in distillation and reflux
Prevent bumping (violent boiling) by providing a large surface area for bubbles to form, even heat distribution, preventing large bubbles