Effects of the germ theory

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  • Pausters discovery had very little impact at first, because he was not a doctor and his work was initially for the brewing industry. In 1878, theories like the miasma theory were too embedded, and it took time for people to accept new ideas
  • surgery:
    • Joseph Lister was quick to apply the germ theory to surgery
    • The use of antiseptics led to fewer infections and therefore fewer deaths
  • cleaner conditions
    • The germ theory further proved the link between dirty conditions
    • It incentivised people to begin ensuring places were clean
  • vaccinations
    • Koch was the first scientist to identify a microbe that caused a specific disease
    • Once this had been done, vaccinations were developed that led to huge reductions in deaths
  • Investment in scientific medical research
    • science was responsible for the development of Pasters discovery
    • More governments and buisnesses became willing to fund research projects
  • Investment in public health provision:
    • Now that it was proven that disease was caused by germs in the air, people were more willing to spend money on public health provisions
    • This led to councils improving sewers, drains,fresh water supplies ect.