
Cards (35)

  • social norms is the social guidelines for a specific situation
  • social norms is the standard behaviour expected by people in the society and community
  • generation gap is the difference in morals,values,views and beliefs between an older generation and younger generation
  • manners is the expected pattern of behaviour for polite relationship between two people
  • achieved status is the status that is achieved through hard work and effort, it is a result of effort and not inherited
  • beliefs is what one feels is right
  • belief is a set of rules which exists in a particular society of culture
  • a citizen is a person legally recognised as a member or inhabitant of a nation
  • constituiton is the laws or rules of a nation
  • councelling is a talking therapy where a profesional therapist helps in listening to you and help you find ways to deal with emotional issues
  • culture is a way of life for a society in terms of physical objects,beliefs,behaviours and values
  • customs is a traditional way of behaviour that is practiced by a specific group of people
  • multiculturalism is the presence of several different cultures in a single society
  • deviance is when people misuse their freedom causing unacceptable behaviour
  • goal is what a person aims to achieve in life
  • hierarchy is a ranking system ordered according to status or authority
  • house arrest is when someone is kept prisoner in their own house and is not allowed to leave it
  • formal means to be officially recognised
  • idealism means to form ideas which only exist in the imagination
  • interpersonal conflict means to have a conflict between two individuals
  • jury are citizens who advise a judge and determine whether the person is guilty or not guilty in the court of law
  • responsibility means the state of being responsible; an obligation
  • values are standards or qualities considered valuabe or desirable in society
  • cultural diversity means that people from different cultures live in the same place and have different values and beliefs
  • integration means refers to when one learns things from other cultures while holding on and sticking to their beliefs
  • cultural shock is when one faces anxiety ,shock or depression when being cut off from their familiar culture ,environment and values
  • etiquette are rules that govern how people should behave
  • marginal men are people who are torn between two people
  • segregation is when one opts or clings to their own culture and does not mix with people from other cultures
  • assimilation is when a dominant culture takes over an existing culture
  • acculturation is borrowing parts of other cultures while keeping the basics of your own culture
  • rascism is when one favours their own culture more than others
  • discrimination is when a pwerful group bans or prevents another group from sharing or participating in activities
  • ethnocentrism means believeing that ones own ethnic group is superior
  • prejudice is having a strong like or dislike for something