The UK

Cards (34)

  • In the UK there is a high number of elderly people living in and by the south coast, for example Bournemouth
  • In the UK, there is a high number of elderly people in east England, by Norfolk
  • In the UK, there is a low number of elderly people living in central and northern England/ the south east UK, for example London
  • The population distribution of elderly people in the UK is uneven
  • You can tell the population distribution is uneven as there are a large percentage of older people by the south coast
  • Many pensioners want to live where it is warmer and more relaxing
    In cold weather, people are usually stiffer and old people may want to avoid this
  • Younger people may want to live and work in cities
    Taking up space there
  • Retired people may not want the busy and loud atmosphere of a city

    They are more likely to want to be in a peaceful, rural area
  • Some elderly people dislike travelling
    They live by the coast or in a rural area to have the peace of a holiday without going anywhere
  • The elderly people have more choice where to live as they have no job pressures, no family living with them etc.
  • Causes of an ageing population include:
    high life expectancy (often due to good healthcare, nutrition information, improved hygiene, better standard of living and less labourous jobs.
    Lack of wars
    Lack of natural disasters
    Lower birth rate
    ability to retire
    women are in education longer
    marriage occurs later in life
    expensive to have children
  • Why would businesses make more profit with an ageing population?
    Some businesses will make more profit due to elderly people spending more money on holidays and leisure
  • Why do older and younger people have tensions?
    Social tensions rise between old and young people as the young feel they are paying more to support the elderly
  • Ageing population
    Increase in the need of retirement homes so more jobs for people who work there
  • Ageing population
    Fewer people of working age, so lack of a young workforce and higher taxes to pay for old people's healthcare and pensions
  • Ageing population
    More childcare support from grandparents for people with families
  • What 2 things increase as a result of an ageing population?
    • Increase in cost of pensions and healthcare for the government and individuals
    • Rises in the retirement age to pay for pensions
  • Primary industry is about gathering materials and resources from the Earth itself (eg. Farming)
  • Secondary industry is about using gathered materials to produce / manufacture something. Eg ( car manufacturing)
  • Tertiary industry is about providing service for someone (often called service sector) eg) teaching or selling
  • Burgess model
  • A greenfield site is a site that has not been previously developed for a particular purpose.
  • A brownfield site is an area of land that has been previously used for industrial purposes and is now abandoned.
  • Globalisation: the way goods, companies, information, jobs and fashions are spreading around the world more easily.
  • Sweatshops: A factory where workers are paid very little and work long hours
  • Fair trade is a way of trading that ensures that producers and workers are paid a fair price for their products.
  • Weather: the state of the atmosphere at any given time, for example how warm it is.
  • Development indicators include: GDP per capita, life expectancy, literacy rate, and infant mortality rate.
  • Immigrant: a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country
  • Emigrant: a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another
  • Economic migrant - A person who migrates to a country for the purpose of seeking employment or to improve their standard of living
  • Refugee: a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
  • Asylum seeker - A person who has fled their country of origin and is seeking refuge in another country
  • Why might a country be developed?
    not landlocked so has ports
    climate that allows plants to grow
    no war
    well educated work force