Biotechnology - The use of living organisms or their products to enhance our lives and our environments
Science - scire (latin) for to know
Belief Knowledge
Knowledge about the world is inherent and unique in each human being.
It is attained by individual revelation
Research Knowledge
Gathering of knowledge from the material world
Group work
To this end, research knowledge is based on a protocol
the study of the material universe
Our understanding of this material universe changes and improves over time
Science is very dynamic
The Scientific Method
Ask a question
Do background research
Construct a hypothesis
Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment
Analyze your data and draw a conclusion
Report your results
Bioluminescence - The emission of light from a living organism
Bioluminiscence in bacteria was first discovered from a nocturnal squid (Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes) that glows
There is a symbiotic relationship between bobtail squid and the bacteria Vibrio fischeri
Expression of bioluminiscence is cell population dependent
low cell number / density - no light
high cell number / density - light
Quorum Sensing - A process by which bacteria communicate with each other to coordinate their behavior
Bioengineered Bioluminiscent Tobacco Plant - Genes from soil bacteria for the detection of trinitrotoluene (TNT), dinitrotoluene (DNT) and other chemicals found in explosives for metabolic activity and lux genes for bioluminiscence