Animal Studies - Lorenz

Cards (5)

  • Imprinting
    Forming strong bonds with mother after birth
  • Lorenz (1935)

    Goose eggs randomly divided in 2, half taken by Lorenz and hatched in an incubator, varying the time of hatching and seeing moving objects
    • Found that the goslings imprinted on him, when released from a box, half goslings followed him
    • Critical period = 32hrs, if it didn't see mother, lost imprinting ability
  • (+) A03: Support from Bowlby
    Bowlby claims there is a similar critical period for humans being 6 - 30 months
  • (+) A03: Economic Implications
    Promotes mothers to physically touch baby after birth to create that imprinting bond
  • (-) A03: Extrapolation
    Cannot extrapolate animal behaviours to humans due to the difference in intelligence, not generalisable