digestive system

Cards (28)

  • What is chemical digestion?
    the enzymic breakdown of macromolecules into smaller units
  • mechanical digestion

    the physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces so it can be chemically digested
  • Absorption
    The process of taking nutrients from the digestive system into the blood so they can be used in the body.
  • Ingestion
    the process of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it.
  • Egestion
    the act or process of discharging undigested or waste material from a cell or organism
  • Mouth (chemical)

    salivary amylase is produced in the salivary gland which assists in the breakdown of starch in the mouth. Final product is a bolus
  • Mouth (mechanical)
    Mastication (chewing) by teeth breaks down food into smaller pieces to increase
    A) teeth can indicate different diet
  • Oesophagus
    • Muscular tube that connects the oral cavity to the stomach
    • peristalsis carries the bolus
  • Peristalsis
    fluids and food are propelled in 1 direction via rhythmic contraction of the smooth muscle found in the walls of the digestive tract
  • Stomach
    • muscular and elastic organ
    • holds up to 1.5-4L
    • final product is called a chyme
    • the pyloric sphincter controls the amount of chyme that enters duodenum
  • Stomach (chemical)

    -main target of chemical digestion in stomach are proteins.
    -when food enters stomach it releases:
    .gastric protease (trypsin, pepsin)
  • Stomach (mechanical)

    -The stomach's smooth muscle undergoes strong contractions to churn the food.
    -Secretes HCl which denatures the proteins (unfold the proteins)
  • Small intestine (duodenum)

    -pancreatic juice (amylase, trypsin, lipase and bicarbonate) and bile is secreted into the duodenum.
    • villi and microvilli off epithelial layer increases SA:V
  • Trypsin
    enzyme that breaks down proteins (polypeptides)
  • Amylase
    breaks down starch
  • Protease
    an enzymes that break down protein (e.g. trypsin is a protease)
  • liver
    accessory organ
    makes bile
  • Gall bladder
    -accessory organ
    -bile from the liver is stored here
  • pancreas
    -accessory organ
    -secretes enzymes to assists with the BD of the chyme
  • Bile
    -secreted into duodenum
    -emulsify lipids of fat
    -Note: it is not an enzyme
  • Lipid
    -fatty compounds
    -lipase (enzyme) to break down lipid
    -bile emulsify lipid/fats to increase SA:V for absorption
  • Small intestine (chemical)
    -Intestinal protease breaks down polypeptides into amino acids
    -Intestinal amylase breaks down disaccharides into monosaccharides
  • SMall intestine (chemical)
    Maltose(2 chemicaly bonded) ->(maltase BD)->glucose + glucose
    Lactose (2) ->(lactase BD) -> glucose +glucose
    Sucrose (2) -> (sucrase BD) -> glucose +fructose
    (-BD refers to the enzyme that breaks the disaccharides into monosaccharides)
  • by the time the food has reached the ileum the food has been broken down into its monomer component:
    -glucose, fructose
    -amino acids
    -fatty acids
  • Glucose and amino acids are absorbed int the capillaries of the villi
  • Fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed into lacteal and enter the lymphatic system.
  • Large Intestine (chemical - cecum)

    -cecum stores bacteria that break down cellulose called cellulase
    -herbivores have larger cecum
  • Large intestine
    -main function of the LI is absorption and egestion
    -peristalsis pushes the waste material into the rectum
    -defecation eliminates the faeces
    -houses commensal bacteria that help breakdown polysaccharides