Cultural Variations in Strange Situation

Cards (4)

  • Van Ijzendoorn (1985)

    Meta analysis of 2000 infants in 32 studies across 8 countries
    • Secure attachment was most common, resistant was least common
    • Avoidant was more common in Western countries than Eastern
    • Resistant was more common in Eastern countries than Western
    • Germany was the most avoidant country = 35%
    • Japan was the most resistant country = 27%
    • Secure was the most globally prefered, suggesting a biological basis
  • (+) A03: Supports Bowlby
    Due to secure attachment being the most globally frequent, suggests Bowlby may be correct about attachment having a biological, instinctive drive in survival
  • (-) A03: Low Samples

    Low sample sizes from cultures could mean that the culture is not fully represented, meaning it may not be generalisable
  • (-) A03: Ethnocentrism
    May not be a fair assessment of attachment styles in Non-Western countries due to originating in America, it may suffer from cultural bias due to characteristics forming from Western infants