Meta analysis of 2000 infants in 32 studies across 8 countries
Secure attachment was most common, resistant was least common
Avoidant was more common in Western countries than Eastern
Resistant was more common in Eastern countries than Western
Germany was the most avoidant country = 35%
Japan was the most resistant country = 27%
Secure was the most globally prefered, suggesting a biological basis
(+) A03: Supports Bowlby
Due to secure attachment being the most globally frequent, suggests Bowlby may be correct about attachment having a biological, instinctive drive in survival
(-) A03: Low Samples
Low sample sizes from cultures could mean that the culture is not fully represented, meaning it may not be generalisable
(-) A03: Ethnocentrism
May not be a fair assessment of attachment styles in Non-Western countries due to originating in America, it may suffer from cultural bias due to characteristics forming from Western infants