ventilation- the process of moving air in and out of lungs
pulmonarygasexchange- gas is exchanged between the air and the blood in the alveoli of the lungs
gastransport- oxygen gas is delivered from the pulmonary capillaries to the peripheral capillaries in the body's issues
peripheralgasexchange- gas is exchanged between the blood and the cells of the body
lenticels- white marks left by stomata in woody stems
vascularsystem- involves the movement of fluids that transports gases, nutrients, and other materials to the cells of the organism
osmoregulation- active regulation of body fluids and ion balance in an organism
Osmoconformers- allows the osmolarity of their body fluids to match that of the environment
osmoregulators- keep the osmolarity of body fluids different from that of the environment through discharging water in a hypotonic
nitrogenouswastes- compounds resulted from metabolic reactions of proteins and nucleic acids
ammonia- primary nitrogenous waste for aquatic invertebrates
urea- commonly produced by terrestrial animals and formed by combining ammonia and bicarbonate ion
uricacid- excreted by birds, insects, and terrestrial reptiles and relatively non toxic but more energetically expensive to produce than urea
excretorysystem- regulates the chemical composition of body fluids by removing metabolic wastes and retaining the proper amounts of water, salts, and nutrients
cellsurface or cellmembrane- allows passage of waste in unicellular organisms
contractilevacuole- a specialized cytoplasmic organelle in many freshwater protists that expels excess water out of the cell to prevent lysis
protonephridia or flamebulb system- a network of tubules that lack internal openings but have external openings at the body surface called nephridiopores
metanephridia- the excretory tubule of most annelids and adult mollusks
malpighiantubules- excretory system of insects and other terrestrial arthropods attached to their digestive tract
renalcapsule- the outer coat of connective tissue that covers the surface of each kidney
cortex- the zone near the capsule made up of blood vessels and nephrons
medulla- inner zone also made up of blood vessels and nephrons
nephrons- the functional unit of the kidney where urine is formed
renalpelvis- central cavity in the kidney where urine coming from the nephrons is stationed before going to the ureter
bowman'scapsule- an in folded region that encloses a ball of blood capillaries called glomerulus where initial filtration of the blood plasma occurs
renaltubules- receive and modify the glomerular filtrate
peritubularcapillaries- bring substances to and take substances away from the renal tubules
collectingduct- receives the urine from the renal tubule leading to the renal pelvis
filtration- the phase in which blood pressure forces filtrate out of the capillaries
tubularreabsorption- useful materials such as salts, water, glucose and amino acids move out from the renal tubules and into adjacent peritubular capillaries
tubularsecretion- results in the movement of surplus hydrogen and potassium ions, uric acid, toxins, and other drugs from the blood into the renal tubules