ALL Weimar Dates

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  • October 1918 = Kaiser forced to abdicate
  • 9th November 1918 = German Republic declared
    31st July 1919 = New Democratic Republic set up
  • Jan 1923 = French march and occupy the Ruhr
  • Aug 1923 = Stresseman becomes Chancellor
  • 1924-29 = Germany's Golden Age
  • Nov 1923 = Stresseman sets up the Rentenmark
  • 1924 = Dawes Plan
  • 1929 = Young Plan
  • 1925 = Locarno pact
  • 1928 = Kellog-Briand Pact
  • Nov 1923 = Munich Putsch
  • 1889 = Hitler's birth
    1913 = he moves to Munich
    1919 = joins the DAP and takes control
  • 1928 = Wall St Crash in USA, leads to a depression in Germany
    1932 = 6 million unemployed Germans
  • Nazi Seats in Reichstag:
    • 1930 = 107 (3 million unemployed)
    • Jul 1932 = 196 (5 million unemployed)
    • Nov 1932 = 196 (6 million unemployed)
    • 1933 =288 (4.8 million unemployed)
  • 1919-23 = Germany had 20 different coalition governments
  • Chancellor Timeline:
    • may 1932 = Franz von Papen announced new Chancellor
    • jul 1932 = Nazis get majority but Hindenburg refuses them Chancellor
    • nov 1932 = Von Papen quits and is replaced by Von Schleicher
    • dec 1932 = Schleicher resigns
    • 1933 = Hitler is appointed as Chancellor
  • January 30th, 1933 = Hitler becomes Chancellor
  • 23rd March 1933 = The Enabling Act is passed
  • 27th February 1933 = the Reichstag Fire
  • May 1933 = all trade unions are banned
  • July 1933 = all other political parties are banned
  • 1933 = Gestapo set up
  • 30th June 1934 = Night f Long Knives
  • 2nd August 1934 = Hindenburg dies
    Hitler combines role of chancellor and President to create the 'Fruher of the 3rd Reich'
  • 1933 = Dachau had over 100,000 inmates
  • 1930 = 250 million people went to the cinema
  • 1933 = 20,000 Jewish books were burnt
  • July 1933 = Concordat signed
  • 1934 = German Faith Movement set up
  • 1936 = the Reich Church
  • 1937 = Pope criticises Nazis so 400 priests were sent to concerntration camps
  • 1938 = RE is banned in schools
  • 1939 = all Church schools and youth groups are banned
  • 1938 = Jews banned from attending schools
  • Hitler Youth membership:
    • 1932 = 108,000
    • 1936 = Hitler Youth Act
    • 1939 = 8 million
  • 1933 = women banned from professional posts, overall 15% women were fired
  • 1936 = over 30% more births than there had been in 1933
  • 1933-39 = marriages increased by 21%
  • Number of German Working Women:
    • 1933 = 11.48 million
    • 1939 = 12.7 million
  • 1936 = Hitler puts Goering in charge of the economy, who comes up with the 4 year plan