Narrative Text - to tell a story. Storytelling itself is a means to ENTERTAIN and INFORM readers and alllows for the writer to express themselves creatively and imaginatively.
Types of NT: Myths
Traditional tales
Short stories
Explanatory Text - moves beyond providing straightforward descriptions to looking at things like CAUSES and REASONS. Retelling of what happened such as in a simple report, to address the why and how of what happened
EXN T contains: Diagrams, flowcharts, illustration, etc.
Time connectives used such as first, after, then, next, finally, etc.
Talks to the reader directly like “You'll be surprised to learn......”
Recound contains: Often written in the pasttense as text types relates events that already happened.
Time connectives used extensively to organize chronology like first, then, next, after that, etc.
Details are used extensively to flesh out the barebones of the events
Factual/ Personal Recount - recounts focus on retelling events and are generally intended to inform and/ or entertain. Often open with a scene being set, or other device that establishes context. They continue by providing an account of the events that took place, usually in CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
EXPT Contains: Second person in a word "you"
Avoid first person pronoun
It doesn't reveal the opinion of the writer
EXS T follows 5FORM: Cause-effectCompare-contrastDescriptionProblem-solutionSequence
Expository Text - provide FACTS in a way that is educational and purposeful. The text is FACT-BASED with the purpose of exposing the truth trough a reliable source. Focuses on educating ITS READER. NOT primarily to amuse, BUT to enlighten and instruct. To explain and analyze information by presenting an idea, relevant evidence, and appropriate discussion.
Persuasive contain: Written in simple present tense.
Moves from general point to specific points
Used logical connectives (therefore, because, of this, this proves that)
Employs rhetorical devices
Uses facts and evidences to support arguments
Addresses readers directly
Employs various methods of psychological persuasion
Persuasive Text - to convince reader of the merits of adopting a particular viewpoint or taking a specific COURSE of ACTION