Cards (26)

  • What is our PURPOSE in life?

    Our purpose in life is to be stewards of God’s creation and to share in the life of God.
  • What is the MEANING of Life?

    The Meaning of life is found in fulfilling our purpose. (Matthew 22:37-40)
    It is deliberate, purposeful, unselfish love, rather than emotional, impulsive, or self-serving love. This love is extended to all neighbors whether good or bad.
  • Where do others look for meaning?
    Wealth, Fame, Power, Pleasure, Career, Knowledge
  • How can you tell if you found meaning?
    One who finds true meaning in life experiences PEACE and JOY
  • Christian life
    in its fullest is sharing in the sufferings of others.
  • Human life
    is a gift because it is Freely Given by God
  • Job 10:12
    “You have granted me life and steadfast love and your care has preserved my spirit”
  • Human life is Sacred because:

    We are created in the Image and likeness of God, His Holy Spirit Sustains our Existence., Human life is redeemed by the precious blood of Christ.
  • We are created in the Image and likeness of God.
    Every human person possesses an infinite dignity, inalienably grounded in his or her very being, which prevails in and beyond every circumstance, state, or situation the person may ever encounter” —Dignitas Infinita 1
  • His Holy Spirit Sustains our Existence
    We are the “Temple of the Holy Spirit” -1 Corinthians 3:16
  • Human life is redeemed by the precious blood of Christ.
    “Let us then, all together, renew our esteem for that value of human life, remembering also that through Christ, all human life has been redeemed” -St. John Paul II
  • What does the giftedness and sanctity of human life imply?

    The giftedness and sanctity of human life leads us to understand its inviolability
    It is the voluntary and unjust killing of a human being. This may be performed by act or by omission. By act, it means that the person does the unjust killing by doing it. By omission, it means that one lets another die by doing nothing.
    SECTION 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
    It is a general term, which refers generally to the expulsion of the fetus from the maternal womb, spontaneously or induced, causing the death of the fetus. Miscarriage is a spontaneous abortion. It is not directly willed by another or anyone as it might be caused by accident or defects. Induced abortion, on the other hand, is the willed expulsion of the fetus causing the death of the fetus.
    Direct Suicide is the deliberate taking of one’s own life. It is a great sin. It is murdering oneself.
    is a direct termination of life of a person due to an incurable illness. It may be requested by the patient himself undergoing the pain or the ones attending the patient. It may also be planned destruction of the life of a mentally sick or deformed who are considered to be of no ‘use’ to the society.
    Unjust mutilation is the destruction of bodily parts when neither public nor private safety demands. It is harming oneself. It is a violation of his/her right to bodily integrity or well being
  • WAR
    War is unjust when it is done for wrong reasons like enslavement of a nation, desire for particular teritory of no right, or pride to prove one’s power over the other.
  • When is it lawful to take life?
    Self-defense is the act of defending oneself causing the death of an unjust aggressor. It is natural inclination that one protects and defends his/her life and to prefer one’s own life to that of another.
    Heroic death is endangering one’s life or health for the sake of God or other people in order to gain heavenly favor. This is true with martyrs, priest, missionaries, doctors, nurses and others who happen to expose themselves in order to serve God and people who are in need.
  • WAR
    War is just when it is undertaken for a right cause; INDEPENCE OF THE NATION. A just war is offensive when the attack is made in order to enforce a right. It is defensive when it is a resistance to unjust attack made by the enemy.
  • Just causes for a war includes:
    -Grave injury to the honor of the nation -Injury to the natural right of the nation to existence -Injury to the rights of the nation under positive law (treaties or international laws)