Fair is foul and foul is fair: 'Spoken by the Witches, sets the tone of the play - not to trust appearances'
Yet do I fear thy nature it is too full of the milk of humankindness: 'Spoken by LadyMacbeth, reveals her view of Macbeth's character'
Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top full of diaristcruelty: 'Spoken by LadyMacbeth, reveals her desire to embody masculine traits to achieve her goals'
Is this a dagger which i seebefore me: 'Spoken by Macbeth, reveals his hesitation and inner conflict before committing murder'
Had he not resembled my father as he slept i had done it: 'Spoken by Lady Macbeth, reveals a softer side and potential inability to commit the murder herself'
Sleep no more: 'Spoken by Macbeth, reflects the loss of innocence and guilt after the murder'
It is unnatural even like the deed that's done: 'Spoken by an OldMan, comments on the unnatural disruption to the natural order after Duncan's murder'