Key question

Cards (4)

  • Paragraph 1
    • Most common type is Alzheimer
    • Define and state symptoms
    • No cure - can be helped if diagnosed early
    • Describe Professor Bruno test
    • Displacement theory applies to study
    • Primary effect - earlier items in list well rehearsed so go into LTM (easier recall)
    • Middle items - displaced as no time to rehearse
    • According to MSM - STM max capacity of 9 items
    • If doesn't experience displacement not rehearsing primary items suggests LTM has problem that is pathological
    • Helps diagnose patients earlier in dementia
  • Paragraph 2
    • Cognitive stimulation stimulates mind
    • Getting patients together in groups, playing games and doing puzzles
    • Activities linked to memories (Looking at old photos, old songs)
    • For mild to moderate patients
    • Focuses on earlier memories from childhood and young adulthood
    • Most sufferers can access episodic memories together - relieve more LTM
    • Reconstructive memory - memories constructed by schemas so anything that reinstates schemas help memory
    • Kindergarten kids at mount residential home activated schemas
    • Doing this would slow down progress which reduces stress
  • Paragraph 3
    • Hogeway dementia village
    • Define dementia village
    • Explain how they work
    • Reconstructive memory - some wealthy have schemas corresponding to high class of Hogeway
    • Find it easier to remember episodes and procedures so can be fit and active instead of declining in beds
    • Tulving episodic and semantic LTM - recent episodic lost first - sufferers live in past and find present situation distressing
    • Staff go along with behaviour
    • Calms down sufferers and doesn't distress them however some say goes against ethics
  • Conclusion
    • Cognitive psychologists can't cure dementia but reduce symptoms
    • Can diagnose early and slow down
    • Hogeway evidence sufferers live longer even if decieved