Cards (40)

  • Agape love
    Selfless love; a deep and constant love, like God's love for mankind. This perfect and unequaled love
  • Philia love
    Brotherly love or brotherly kindness. This friendship, a human love which is limited
  • Eros love
    Physical love, which flows from the natural senses, instincts, and passions. It is one important aspect of the love between a husband and a wife
  • Three Dimensions of Agape love
    • Vertical dimension – love toward God
    • Horizontal dimension – love toward our fellowmen
    • Inward dimension – love toward myself
  • Vertical Dimension – love toward God

    It refers to our inner being that involves our spirit and soul
  • Horizontal Dimension – love toward our fellowmen

    We cannot love our neighbor with Agape love unless we first love God
  • Inward Dimension – love toward myself

    This love means loving ourselves as Christ loves us. This is not selfish but a self-giving love
  • John 3:16: 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life'
  • The best way to be unhappy is to seek only happiness
  • Great sums of money are spent every year in pursuit of happiness – yet the world is filled with pain and worry
  • Discouragement
    Causes us to forget all the blessings we have received from God
  • Doubt
    We will start losing our joy the moment we doubt God and His promises
  • Anything that hinders our relationship with Him can rob us of our joy
  • Whenever we feel that our joy is depleted, the first thing we should check is our relationship with God
  • Happy face
    A person's inner feelings are often expressed in his face because of his attitude or behavior
  • A grateful heart
    Experiences real joy will also develop a grateful heart
  • JOY
    It is a quality of cheerfulness, delight, and gladness that is not determined by circumstances, but is a constant quality in all situations, whether good or bad, because its foundation is God
  • Proverbs 15:13: 'A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit'
  • Peace of God
    This inner peace replaces anger, guilt, and worry. Without peace with God, we cannot have the peace of God
  • Peace with God
    This certainty flows from the knowledge that we have asked forgiveness from God
  • Peace with Men
    Peace with others may require understanding or the willingness to change your position. respect and accept the differences of other people
  • Peacemaker
    Bridge gaps and advocate for the peace of others
  • 1 Peter 3:11: 'Seek peace and pursue it'
  • We want things to happen NOW. But the best things seem to require a great deal of patience
  • "run the extra mile." It actually means to go beyond what is expected
  • Patience
    Greek word makrothumia. Enables a godly person to exercise self-restraint (holding oneself back) in the face of testing. It is not hasty to "get even" or to punish
  • Qualities we should add to our faith
    • Goodness
    • Knowledge
    • Self-control
    • Perseverance
    • Godliness
    • Mutual Affection
    • Love
  • God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built
  • Godly character is developed through endurance- to face our trials with endurance, and accept them as discipline. God uses them to teach us to submit to Him. trials mature us and develop godly character in us
  • Romans 8:25: 'But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it'
  • Gentleness
    An inward attitude rather than an external action
  • Submission
    Submission to the will of God
  • Teachability
    A willingness to learn, or not being too proud to learn
  • Being considerate
    Show consideration, moderation, calmness or care, or bearing with others because of love
  • Gentleness is the opposite of harshness
  • There is nothing cowardly about gentleness
  • In The Bible we see it related to courage, fortitude, and resolution
  • Gentleness
    Describes a condition of mind and heart that is spiritual in nature and is a fruit of power
  • Philosophers' definition of gentleness
    • Xenophon - wild horse
    • Plato - politeness and courtesy
    • Socrates - one who can argue his case without losing his temper
    • Aristotle - between too much anger and not enough anger. quality of man who is always angry at the right time and never angry at the wrong time. It is the proper control of anger
  • Philippians 4:5: 'Let your gentleness be evident for all the Lord is near'