material deprivation / cultural capital: class

Cards (11)

  • Material Deprivation
    • Overcrowding in a small council estate: Lack of internet connection especially during the pandemic/ online lesson / Lack of energy to maintain concentration in lessons.
    • Health issues
    • More likely to get part time jobs
    • Unable to buy resources/tutor
    • Have to pay back loans, demotivates w/c students to go to uni due to the fear of debt
  • Cultural Capital
    Knowledge, attitudes, values, languages, abilities of the m/c that are highly valued and rewarded with qualifications in the education system
  • Bourdieu uses the term cultural capital to refer to the knowledge, attitudes, values, languages, abilities of the m/c
  • Bourdieu argues that through socialisation m/c acquires the ability to analyse and express ideas
  • M/c students are much more likely to develop intellectual interests and understanding of what the education system requires for success
  • W/c children find that school devalues their culture as 'inferior'
  • W/c students lack cultural capital leading to exam failure
  • Many w/c students get the message that education is not meant for them which w/c respond to by not trying
  • Sullivan's study
    • Surveyed 465 pupils in 4 schools
    • Cultural capital only accounted for a part of class achievement
    • Greater resources and aspirations of m/c families explain the remainder of the class gap in achievement
  • Cultural capital does still play a role in the achievement of education which can be seen in Sullivans study, which suggest that students with a greater cultural capital are more likely to be successful at GCSE level
  • Sullivan would argue that cultural capital plays a part in achievement in education but isn't the only factor