Communicable diseases are caused by pathogens and that includes bacteria, viruses, protoctista and fungi
Pathogens cause harm through directlydamaging the tissue or through the release of toxins
Examples of diseases caused by different pathogens
Bacterial diseases
Viral diseases
Protoctista diseases
Fungal diseases
Prokaryotic cells
Classified by their shape or cellwall
Shapes of prokaryotic cells
Gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

Determined by the two types of cell walls
Caused by Mycobacteriumtuberculosis or Mycobacteriumbovis, damageslungtissue and suppressesimmunesystem, can be cured with antibiotics and prevented through vaccination
Bacterial meningitis
Caused by Streptococcuspneumoniae or Neisseriameningitidis, infects the brain'smeninges, veryserious and spreadsquickly, can be cured with antibiotics and some forms can be vaccinated against
Ring rot
Caused by Clavibactermichiganensis, infects potatoes, tomatoes and aubergines, damages leaves, tubers and fruit
Non-living, acellular, smaller than bacteria, consist of geneticmaterial, capsid and attachmentproteins, can only replicate inside host cells
Viruses that infect bacteria
Consists of capsid, geneticmaterial (RNA), reversetranscriptaseenzyme, envelope and attachmentproteins, infects and destroys helperT cells, can lead to AIDS
Caused by Orthomyxoviridae, infects ciliatedcells in gasexchangesurfaces, can result in harmfulsecondaryinfections like pneumonia, more severe in young, elderly and those with weakenedimmunesystems
Tobacco mosaic virus
Infects tobaccoplants, causes damage to leaves resulting in mosaicpattern, affects photosynthesis, no cure but resistantplantstrains have been developed
Eukaryotic, single-celled or in colonies, few are pathogenic but extremely dangerous
Caused by Plasmodium protoctista, transmitted by mosquitoes, infects redbloodcells and liver, no vaccine or cure but preventativemedicines exist
Potato blight
Caused by Phytophthora infestans protoctista, damagesleaves and fruit, no cure but resistantplantstrains have been developed
Eukaryotic, mainly cause plantdiseases, can be multicellular or single-celled, releaseenzymes to digesthosttissue
Black Sigatoka
Caused by Mycosphaerella fijiensis fungus, infects bananas, damagesleaves preventing photosynthesis, can be treated with fungicides and resistantstrains have been developed
Caused by Trichophyton verrucosum fungus, infects many mammals including humans, causes whitecrustycircles on skin, not harmful but can cause itching
Athlete's foot
Caused by Tineapedis fungus, infects humans, thrives in warmdamp regions like between toes, causes cracked, scaly and itchy skin, can be cured with antifungalcreams
Factors that can increase pathogen transmission
Lack of sanitationinfrastructure
Lack of freshwater
Lack of medicines/vaccines
Modes of pathogen transmission
Direct transmission: contact, inoculation, ingestion
Indirect transmission: vectors, droplets, fomites
Plant defences
Physical barriers like bark and cuticles, antibacterialchemicals and proteins, ability to repelinsects
Phagocytes like macrophages and neutrophilsengulf and digestpathogens, non-specific response
Adaptive immune response
Involves B cells and T cells, specificresponse to particular antigens
B cells
Mature in bonemarrow, responsible for humoralimmuneresponse
T cells
Mature in thymus, responsible for cell-mediatedimmuneresponse
Second line of defense
1. Pathogen stopped from getting in or destroyed
2. Specificresponse to particularshapedantigens
3. Involves B lymphocytes and T lymphocytes
4. B cells mature in bonemarrow
5. T cells mature in thymus
T cells
Responsible for cell-mediatedresponse
Cell-mediated response
1. T cell receptors bind to antigen on antigen-presenting cells
2. T cells dividerapidly by mitosis (clonalexpansion)
3. Thelper cells activate B cells and macrophages
4. Tmemory cells retain receptor for futureinfection
5. Tkiller cells destroyinfected/abnormal cells
Antigen-presenting cells
Cells that present non-selfantigen on their surface, e.g. infectedbodycells, phagocytes that have engulfedpathogens, transplantedorgancells, cancercells
T killer cell action
1. Releaseperforinprotein
2. Perforinembeds in cellmembrane and createspores
3. Causes cellcontents to leak out or water to enter, leading to celldeath
Humoral response
1. Thelper cells stimulateB cells
2. B cells rapidlydivide (clonalexpansion)
3. B cells differentiate into plasmacells and memoryB cells
4. Plasma cells produce antibodies
Globularquaternarystructure protein with variableregion that binds to antigen
Antibody functions
Agglutination (clumpingpathogens)
Opsonisation (markingpathogens for phagocytosis)
Antitoxin (binding to toxins)
Primary immune response
1. Firstexposure to pathogen
2. Takes days to produce enough antibodies
3. Causes symptoms as pathogen causes damage
Secondary immune response
1. Re-exposure to samepathogen
2. MemoryB cells rapidlyproduceantibodies
3. Pathogendestroyed before symptomsappear
Active immunity
Immunity gained from being exposed to pathogen or antigen, either naturally or through vaccination