Origins and meanings

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  • Omnipotence is the belief that god is all powerfull
  • Stewardship is the duty to care for creation respoonsibly as stewards rather than consumers and protect it for future generations
  • Omnipresent is when god is everywhere at all times
  • Omnisicent is the belief that God is all knowing and all powerful.
  • Omnibelevolent is god is all loving
  • Evolution is the proccess of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in species over time to suit particular enviroments
  • Insperation is ‘god breathed’ the belief that the spirtof god guided an individual to act or write what is good and true
  • Trancendence is existing outside if space and time; god exists in a way that makes him nothing like anything that exists above and beyond creation
  • Revelation is the word used to describe the ways god makes himself known tohuman beings. Christians believe that god does this finally and fully in the person of jesus christ
  • Imago dei is ‘ in the image of god’ the belief that humans are uniquely a reflection of gods person hood unlike other animals humans are rational, free and moral
  • Creation ex- nihilo is ‘creation out of nothing’ before god created the universe nothing existed only god can create out of nothing
  • creation ex- nilhio:
    • god as sole creator
    • creation from nothing
    • cathoilic- means god is omnipotent,omniscience,omnibelevolent and trancendent
    • jewish- god is one, sole creator giver and taker of life, he is omnipotent + omnisicent but also sustains his creation
    • ’ god said let there be light and there was’
  • Origns of the universe
    • gen 1 world created in 7days , gen 2 god created adam + eve
    • catholic- genesis is not taken literally, shows it was good, created humans last to look after creation
    • christian- genesis is factual
    • jewish- orthodox factual, reformed stories
    • ’ god formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed life into his nostril’
  • Origins of universe non religous
    • big bang theory + evolution
    • catholic- god caused big bang + evolution as gods loving plan it folo order of gen 1
    • christians- attack on beliefs
    • ‘ god said let there be light and ther was’
  • Sanctity of human life
    • life has special value uniquely made by god
    • catholic- god created life so its scared, humans are image of god
    • christians- sacred and gift from god
    • jewish- created in image of god is precious
    • non religous- special becuse we have one
    • ’ formed man from the dust on the ground and breathed life into his nostrils
  • Abortion
    • cathoilcs- againt in all circumstances as life is scared, life begins at conception
    • christain- against but can abort if mother is in danger, from rape, child will die
    • jewish- reform jes allow if mother is at risk
    • non- life not sacred, peter singer said its okay to take fetous life as it not a person
    • ’ do not murder’
    • anyone who destroys life destroys the world
  • Ideas about god
    • god is eternal, omnipotent,omnisiscent,omnibelevolent,transcendent
    • humans are sanctity of human life, imago dei, stewards, free will
    • ‘ in the beginning god created the heavens and earth’
  • Creation and humans
    • stewards
    • common good- contribute positively to society
    • universal destination of goods- look after earth
    • love your neighbou- concered about others in different countries
    • lautdato si- good stewards by recycling ,plant trees
    • jewish- tikkun olam- make world better place, sukkot- connect to nature, tu bishvat- plant trees
    • non- look after earth, population harming earth,humanist say humans and aminals are equals
  • The bible
    • cathoilc- inspired by holy spirit, not literal
    • christian- true voice of god, no errors as inspired by god
    • jewish- orthodox god gave torah to moses so litera but reformed say should be adapted to moderen life
    • ’all scripture is inspred by god’
  • Creation of adam
    • Adam resembles god (imago dei)
    • adam ontop of earth shows he’s responsible for looking after it ( stewardship)
    • god is floating above adam (transcendence)
    • god is reaching out to adam to spark life ( creator/ omnipoten)
    • hands of god and adam are symmetrical ( imagi dei)
    • cloud represents a womb with gods creations in it ( omnibelevolent/ creator)
  • Tree of life
    • vines represent garden of eden and paradise god created for humanity
    • tree of life considered the cross that emerges from a tree at its base
    • cross shows that through the crucifiction people of all nations are saved
    • 12 doves repersent the apostles and are a symbol of the holy spirtn
    • alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the greek alphabet that remind us that jesus is eternal because he is god
    • ’ the leaves of the tree are for the healing of all nations’
  • Cathoicl social teaching
    • strive for social justice because all humans are made image dei
    • all have dignity because we are gods creations so everyone is due respect
    • option for the poor that puts vulnerable first
    • everyone should promote and benifit from the commom good
    • calls on beliverd to work for justice, peace and reconciliation
    • all countries required to uphold united nation’s universal declaration of human rights
    • ’ peace is an entiprese of justice. it cannot be obtained until a fair society is obtained‘ gaudium et spes
  • interfaith
    • mulit faith society
    • cause tentions, discriminatio, scapegoating
    • communication between different religions promoting respect and tolerence
    • pope francis holds meetings with different religous leaders to find common ground
  • Catholic charites
    • cafod- takle poverty
    • svp- helps homless, single parents, asylum seekers because they belive people should be tesred with dignity and respect
  • What is creation ex nihilo?
    Creation out of nothing by God
  • What does the Catholic belief state about creation?
    Only God can create from nothing
  • What does omnipotent mean in relation to God?
  • How is God described in relation to space and time?
    God is transcendent, beyond space and time
  • What does omniscient mean?
  • What does omnipresent mean?
    Everywhere at all times
  • What is the significance of God resting on the seventh day?
    It made the seventh day holy
  • What are the days of creation in Genesis 1?
    1. Day 1: God created night and day
    2. Day 2: God created the heavens
    3. Day 3: God created land and plants
    4. Day 4: God created the Sun, moon, and stars
    5. Day 5: God created birds and fish
    6. Day 6: God created living creatures including man
    7. Day 7: God rested
  • How does Genesis 1 demonstrate God's omnipotence?
    God creates from nothing, showing power
  • How is God's transcendence shown in the creation story?
    He existed before anything in space and time
  • What does the term 'cosmology' refer to?
    The study of the origin of the universe
  • What does the Big Bang theory explain?
    How the universe began
  • What evidence supports the Big Bang theory?
    Galaxies are moving away from each other
  • What do fundamentalist Christians believe about the Big Bang?
    It attacks their literal interpretation of the Bible
  • What are the two central issues in the abortion debate?
    1. When does life begin?
    2. Who's choice is it?
  • What is the definition of abortion?
    Deliberate ending of a pregnancy