Due impartiality and due accuracy
Section 5 of the code sets out impartiality and accuracy requirements for broadcasters.
Rule 5.1 says: 'News, in whatever form, must be reported with due accuracy and presented with due impartiality.'
OFCOM guidance says rule 5.1 is potentiality applicable to any topic included in news programming, and that broadcasters, 'should take care before making any unequivocal interpretations or statements about contentious issues.'
Politicians may not be used as newsreaders, interviewers or reporters in any news programme unless, exceptionally, this is editorially justified and the individuals political allegiance is made clear to the audience (rule 5.3).
Rule 5.9 says presenters of personal view or authored programmes or items, and chairs of discussion programmes may express their own views on matters of political or industrial controversy or matters relating to current public policy.
Rule 5.13 which applies to local radio services and local digital sound programme services, including those at community level, says their broadcasters should not give undue prominence to the views and opinions of particular persons or bodies on matters of political or industrial controversy and matters relating to current public policy in programming when taken as a whole, by which it means programming dealing with the same or related issues within an appropriate period.
The term due means adequate or appropriate to the programme's subject and nature.