Being physically and sexually attracted to persons of the same gender
In the UK, the Sexual Offences Act 1967 legalized homosexual acts between consenting men over 21, and the Equal Age of Consent Act 2001 aligned the age of consent for homosexual and heterosexual acts
Same-sex marriage became legal in the UK in 2013
Quran, Surah 26: 'Must you lust after MALES and abandon the wives God has created for you?
St. Paul, 1 Corinthians: 'Men who have sex with men will not inherit the kingdom of God'
Quakers: 'It is the nature and quality of the relationship that matters, not the gender of those involved'
Imago Dei
The belief that all humans are created in the image of God
Jesus never condemned homosexuality and taught that love is the most important thing
The Bible teaches to "be fruitful and multiply", which is seen as incompatible with same-sex relationships
The Catechism states that homosexuality is "contrary to the natural law"
Living together as a couple without being married
Christians and Muslims condemn sex outside of marriage (adultery)
Ten Commandments: 'Do not commit adultery'
Quran, Surah 17: 'Adultery is an outrage and an evil path'
Adultery goes against marriage vows and is seen as breaking a promise made in the presence of God and witnesses
Hebrews 13:4: 'The marriage bed should be kept pure, and God will judge the adulterer and the sexually immoral'
Premarital sex is condemned in Christianity and Islam as it is seen as going against God's plan for sexual relationships within marriage
Cohabitation is also condemned as it involves sex outside of marriage
Some Christians and Muslims take a more liberal view, focusing on the quality and commitment of the relationship rather than the gender or marital status of the partners
Adultery causes upset and harm, it is not a loving thing to do
Quran: 'Those who engage in illicit sex acts will be punished'
Contrasting beliefs about sex before marriage
Positive attitudes: Liberal Christians say it is not necessarily wrong between two consenting adults, as long as it is in a loving, committed relationship
Negative attitudes: Islam is very clear that sex must take place within marriage, and the Quran states you should remain chaste until you are ready for marriage
The Catholic Church says it is a grave sin to have sex outside of marriage
Precautions taken to prevent pregnancy and protect against STIs
Catechism of the Catholic Church: 'Artificial contraception is intrinsically evil'
Reasons religious people may support the use of contraception
Church of England says it is acceptable within a committed, Christian relationship
Liberal Christians see it as a sensible method of family planning
Some Muslims believe it can be used within marriage for family planning or health reasons
Situation ethics says contraception may be the most loving, responsible, and wise thing to do
Reasons religious people may oppose the use of contraception
Catholic Church says it denies God's role in the transmission of life
Conservative Christians say it may encourage sexual immorality and promiscuity
Some Muslims believe it interferes with God's will and could be considered early abortion
A committed, lifelong relationship
Christian beliefs about the purpose of marriage
To become one flesh
To have a committed, loving sexual relationship
To procreate and start a family
To fulfill the sacraments
Islamic beliefs about the purpose of marriage
To procreate and start a family
To support and protect one another
To fulfill religious responsibilities
To provide stability to society
The Catholic Church sees marriage as a vocation, a calling written into the nature of man and woman
Living together without being married
The Church of England accepts cohabitation if it will lead to marriage
Marriage involves making vows, promises made during the marriage ceremony
Reasons the Catholic Church opposes divorce
The belief that what God has joined together, no man can separate
The idea that in marriage, two people become one flesh in the eyes of God
Where someone very important in the church (the pope) says the marriage is declared invalid, so that a valid marriage never happened
In the Catholic Church, divorce is not allowed, but annulment can be sought instead
Marriage in Christianity/Catholicism
You become one flesh in the eyes of God, and so cannot be separated
The Church of England accepts that marriages can fail and allows divorce and remarriage
Jesus' teaching on divorce
Divorce is only acceptable in cases of sexual immorality
Situation ethics would say divorce may be the most loving thing to do in some situations