1. Mapping the social forces impinging on social actors
2. Rehearsing the structures and components of cultural practices and traditions
3. Exposing the asymmetrical power distributions among members of social communities and organizations
Focuses on the ubiquity (or the "everywhere-ness") of social forces in unlikely forms: sex, gender, religion, class, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and the like
Represent a constellation of unseen yet powerful forces influencing the behavior of individuals and institutions
Refers to a person's specific economic and political location
Credited to be the father of the discipline for having coined the term sociology
A French social thinker, who was exceptionally instrumental in the formalization and later recognition of sociology as the new science of the study of society
Education is everybody's future!
Social structure - any relatively stable pattern of social behavior
Social function - the consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society as a whole
Charles Wright Mills
An American social critic, argued that individuals can still transcend the limitations posed by their respective social locations
Karl Marx
Saw and felt the evils of social inequality. Developed the scientific basis for communist utopian ideals known as "Marxism" or "dialectical materialism".
Social fact
Another name for social phenomenon. It has distinctive characteristics and determinants which are capable of holding an external constraint on the individual.
A science seeking to "uncover principles of behavior that apply to all human communities".
Social diversity
An ever-present and enduring feature of all known cultures around the world, from the most primitive to the most highly urbanized.
Social inequality
Occurs when resources in a given society are distributed unevenly.
Political science
The systematic study of government and politics. Includes the study of political philosophy, ethics, international relations, foreign policy, public administration, and the dynamic relations between different parts of governments.
Social change
Used to indicate the changes that take place in human interactions and interrelations.
This is a nominal term or another word we use to refer social relations. This means that the rules for relating socially are observed depending on one's position in society. This is why all social relations are power relations. That which can enable a person/persons, groups, institutions to influence the allocation of resources which in turn impact the lives of people who could even be unknown to the power holder. This is why politics is not even a choice that those who can get into.
Being born in a country, one already acquires citizenship. Citizenship entails rights and obligations. Consequently, rights and obligations are political in nature.
Since people are not similarly situated in society, they will wield power in different ways forming a hierarchy of social relations wherein some groups wield power over another. Life chances are determined by one's social origins, Primary one's economic class.
In the Scientific study of politics, there are typically three types of legitimacy or kinds of legitimate rule. Legitimacy means the recognition, acceptance and support for an existing form of rule or government as right and proper. A legitimate government is one which has a recognized, accepted and supported sphere of influence by the majority. A popular consent of the governed is the basic condition for legitimate authority.
Traditional Legitimacy
This is the kind of moral authority that keeps society together by virtue of custom and habit.
Rational-Legal Legitimacy
Authority in this context derives from formal procedures of institutions. This is a type of legitimacy that is based on a government's capacity to use public interest as the rationale for establishing and enforcing law and order.
Authority is conferred to a person or a group of people whose position in society matches a society's mode of constituting political authority in a given historical period.
Elections are largely a result of the methods of manipulation used on the electorate
Legislative branch
Is authorized to make laws, alter and repeal them through the power vested in the Philippine congress. This institution is divided into the senate and the house of representatives.
Is composed of the President and Vice-President who are elected by direct popular vote and serve a term of six years.
Integrated the term positivism.
Emile Durkheim
Social structure (kailangan ng lipunan to maintain the balance)
May problem dahil sa modern conflict theory
Way of living
Father of communism
Material historism (economy ng kasaysayan)
Utopian idea (heaven)
Three branches
Forms of legitimacy
Elements of the state
Types of families
Nuclear family
Extended family
Single-parent family
Blended family
Consists of the parents and their children living in the same residence.
Shares commonresidence
Presents of economic cooperation.
Include adult of both sexes where in at least two of whom uphold a socially approved form of sexual relationships.
Responsible for the socialization of infants and children.
Kingsley Davis
Family are based on consanguinity and kinship.
Talcott Parsons
Family is factory that develops and produces human personalities.
Bronislow Nalinowski
Family is an institution that passes down the cultural traditions to next generation.