Book 2 - The debate in Ithaca

Cards (14)

  • Athene endowed him with such supernatural
    grace that all eyes were turned on him in admiration when he came up
  • ’The destruction of my house is an injustice
    Which you, gentlemen, should resent not only on your behalf but as a scandal to our neighbours‘ [ Telemachus ]
  • A wave of
    pity swept through the gathering
  • ‘For three years she

    took us in by this trick’ [ Antinous ]
  • What was the trick Penelope played?
    She unpicked the shroud she was sewing
  • ‘For I assure you that so long as she

    maintains this attitude that the gods have guided her to adopt, the suitors will continue to eat you out of house and home’ [ Antinous ]
  • In answer to his words, Zeus the Thunderer
    urged two eagles into flight from the mountain top
  • ‘And my pronouncement is particularly
    for the suitors. A great calamity is about to engulf them’ [ Halistheres ]
  • ‘I myself will pick out the best for you,

    and we’ll have her rigged in no time and launch her on the open sea’ [ Athene ]
  • The bright-eyed goddess Athene

    now had yet another idea
  • Athene of the flashing eyes
    called up for them a steady following wind
  • Telemachus T epithet?
    Thoughtful Telemachus
  • Telemachus S epithet?
    Sagacious Telemachus
  • Telemachus P epithet?
    Prudent Telemachus