exchanging substances

Cards (5)

  • name two gases that are exchanged in a leaf.
    oxygen, water vapour and carbon dioxide
  • what is the function of alveoli?
    alveoli /rapid transfer oxygen to the blood and the removal of waste carbon dioxide from the blood.
  • how are alveoli adapted for their function?
    they have a large surface area, a moist lining for dissolving gases, very thin walls and a good blood supply
  • State and explain three features that most exchange surfaces have in common
    • large surface area - lots of molecules can diffuse at once
    • surfaces are very thin - substances only have to diffuse a short distance
    • surfaces are permeable - substances are able to pass through the surface
  • State and explain three features of alveoli that make them good exchange surfaces. 
    • There are lots of alveoli, giving a large total surface area
    - Lots of molecules can diffuse across at the same time
    • Surfaces are very thin (only 1 alveolar cell and 1 capillary cell thick)
    - Substances only have to diffuse a short distance
    • Surfaces are permeable - Oxygen and carbon dioxide are able to diffuse across