Material and Spiritual self

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  • Material self - pertains to the objects, places, or even people which have the label “mine”.
  • Body as the innermost aspect of the material self.
  • Materialism refers to giving more importance to material possessions than intangible values.
  • One who is overly concerned with the acquisition of material belongings is called materialistic.
  • compulsive buying disorder (CBD) - which is characterized by an obsession with shopping and buying behaviors that can cause adverse effects.
  • Consumer culture is a social system in which consumption is dominated by the consumption of commercial products.
  • Consumerism is the intake of cloth items and offerings in extra of one's primary needs.
  • A consumerist society is one in which humans spend an exceptional deal of time, money, and power to "consume" business products, items, and goods.
  • Spirituality is taken from the Latin word spiritus, meaning breath or life force.
  • According to Dr. Christina Puchalski, “spirituality is the aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred"
  • Spirituality was initially developed in early Christianity. Christians use the term “Spirit” to describe the Holy Spirit
  • Religion is an organized system of ideas about the spiritual sphere or the supernatural along with associated ceremonial practices by which people try to interpret and/or influence aspects of the universe otherwise beyond their control.
  • Emotional health is about nurturing a positive state of mind which can broaden your attitude to know and integrate a connection to something larger than yourself.
  • Well-being is an inner, personal construct, associated with self-esteem, and self-understanding. It is how good one feels for himself/herself.
  • life satisfaction is a general attitude towards life. When both are present, happiness can be felt
  • happiness is generally regarded as the emotional result of life satisfaction.
  • Life satisfaction can refer to the desire to change one’s life, satisfaction with the past, satisfaction with the future, and views of one’s life.
  • Viktor Frankl, a famous psychiatrist and writer, wrote a book entitled Man’s Search for Meaning shared his personal experiences in the Nazi concentration camp.
  • Apathy is the blunting of the emotions and the feeling that one could not care anymore.
  • depersonalization or a state in which everything seemed unreal, as in a dream.
  • Logotherapy is the quest of human existence and on man’s search for such meaning.
  • In doing a deed – way of finding meaning in life is through achievements or accomplishments
  • By experiencing something or someone - such as loving a person. No one can become fully aware of the essence of another human being unless he or she loves him or her.
  • By suffering - It is through sufferings that man encounter the central theme of existentialism: to live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffering.
  • Animism is the belief that creatures, objects, and places possess certain spirits. It is also the belief that things and places are alive and grounded by a supernatural order.