When someone makes a wrong decision because they fail to apply reason correctly
They are not intentionally doing a wrong action; they have just made a mistake about what they think is the right thing to do
Apparent goods are very tempting, so humans must be able to distinguish between an apparent good and a real good
Apparent good
Wanting to sit down all day and watch Netflix the day before your exam to relax
Real good
Studying and preparing for the upcoming exam which will benefit you more
The pursuit of apparent goods
Sin exists because humans give in to temptation and pursue apparent goods instead of real goods
Aquinas' doctrine of double effect
Accepts that one action may have more than one effect and one effect may be bad
Aquinas' doctrine of double effect
A pregnant woman who's embryo is growing outside the womb decides to have a procedure to save her life. The primary aim of the procedure is to save the life of the mother which follows the primary precept of the preservation of life; a secondary precept is that the pregnancy is terminated which therefore goes against the primary precept of the preservation of life. Aquinas accepts that a bad effect came out of a good action, but this is unintentional.