Spinal Mechanism

Cards (2)

  • Spinal Mechanism:
    • manual therapy is non-threatening mechanical stimuli, which the A-Beta fibres are responsive to
    • A-Beta is responsive to non-noxious stimuli
    • A-Beta fibres directly inhibits dorsal horn cell
    • they excite inhibitory interneurons that also inhibit the dorsal horn cell
    • A-Beta fibres are faster than nociceptors, so get to the dorsal horn cell first
  • Spinal Cord Mechanism:
    • This mechanism involves the transmission and processing of pain signals within the spinal cord
    • When mechanical stimulation is applied, it can activate inhibitory interneurons within the spinal cord, which can inhibit the transmission of pain signals from the peripheral nerves to the brain
    • Additionally, mechanical stimulation can trigger the release of neurotransmitters, such as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, and opioids, within the spinal cord, which can further inhibit pain transmission