Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
Communicable diseases are those transferred between individuals
Non-communicable diseases are thoss which cannot be transferred between individuals. These are usually conditions concerning genetics or conditions due to lifestyle
Having HIV means that your immune system is impaired, leaving you at risk to infections
A pathogen is an organism which causes disease
Types of pathogens:
Viruses move into cells and make copies of themselves, causing the cell to burst and the copies to get released into the bloodstream
Bacteria multiply very quickly and produce toxins which can damage cells
Fungi can produce spores which can spread to other organisms
Protists can use humans or animals as hosts
Cholera is caused by bacteria
Tuberculosis is spread by bacteria
Chalara ash dieback is caused by fungi
Malaria is caused by protists
HIV is caused by a virus
Helicobacter is caused by bacteria
Ebola is caused by a virus
The effects of cholera are diarrhoea
The effects of tuberculosis are lung damage and coughing
The effects of chalara ash dieback are leaf loss and bark lesions
The effects of malaria are damage to the blood and liver
the effects of HIV are white blood cells being destroyed, and can lead to AIDs
The effects of Helicobacter are stomach ulcers
The effects of ebola are hemorrhagic fever
Cholera is spread through water
Tuberculosis is airborne
Chalara ash dieback is airborne
Malaria is spread through an animal vector (mosquito)
HIv is spread through bodily fluids
Helicobacter is spread through oral transmission
Ebola is spread through bodily fluids
Ways pathogens can be spread:
Direct contact
Drinking dirty water
Through air
Ways of preventing pathogens:
Improving hygiene
Reducing contact
Removing vectors
Chlamydia is spread through bacteria
HIV is spread through a virus
The spread of STIs can be stopped using barrier method contraception or
Mucus is produced by goblet cells in the airway
Mucus traps bacteria and other pathogens before they reach the lungs and cause infection
Cillis are located on the surface of ciliates epithelial cells
Cilia waft away mucus that has trapped pathogens, to be killed by stomach acid