bass bass baaaaaassssss

Cards (30)

  • acid
    A substance that forms an aqueous solution with a pH less than 7
  • alkali
    a base that dissolves in water to form a solution with a pH greater than 7.
  • base
    any substance with a pH greater than 7.
  • What ion makes substances acidic?
  • What ion makes substances alkaline?
  • HCl + NaOH -> NaCl + ___
  • What type of reaction is this?
    Acid + Base -> Salt + Water
  • Name this ion: H+
    Hydrogen ion
  • Name this ion: OH-
    Hydroxide ion
  • HCl
    Hydrochloric Acid
  • H₂SO₄
    Sulfuric Acid
  • HNO₃
    Nitric acid
  • NaOH
    Sodium Hydroxide
  • CaCO₃
    Calcium Carbonate
  • What pH is neutral?
  • What is the pH of pure water?
  • titration
    an experimental technique used to find an unknown concentration of an acid or an alkali.
  • Equipment used in a titration:
    • Pipette
    • Conical flask
    • Burette
    • White tile
  • Repeat the titration for concordant results.
  • What volume of alkali is added to the conical flask
  • What is added to the alkali in the conical flask?
  • What are concordant results?
    Results that are within 0.10cm^3 of each other.
  • When do you stop adding acid to the alkali from the burette?
    When there is a colour change in the conical flask
  • What do we use the results to calculate?
    The mean volume of acid required to neutralise the alkali.
  • Why is the conical flask placed on a white tile?
    To make the colour change more visible.
  • Why do we swirl the conical flask as acid is added?
    To evenly distribute it, and to ensure the colour change happens as soon as the neutralisation.
  • Why is indicator added?

    To make the change from acid to alkali visible.
  • How does the indicator litmus work?
    Red (acid) to Blue (alkali)
  • How does the indicator Phenolphthalein work?
    Colourless (acid) to Pink (alkaline)
  • How does the indicator Methyl Orange work?
    Red(acid) to Yellow (alkaline)