Search for the sacred within a traditional context such as a formal religious institution
Vertical transcendence
Horizontal transcendence
Stages of Forgiveness
1. Uncovering phase
2. Decision phase
3. Work phase
4. Deepening phase
Uncoveringphase - the stage where people explore how their chronic holding onto resentment, anger, or hate has a negative impact on their own lives
Decision phase - involves making a choice to try and forgive
Workphase - one tries to forgive by reframing an incident, accepting its hurt, and trying to gain an empathic understanding of why the offender acted as he or she did
Deepening phase - stage in which one tries to gain a deeper sense of meaning as a result of an injury
Personal or group search for the sacred in life
Search for the sacred within a traditional context such as a formal religious institution
Vertical transcendence
Horizontal transcendence
Stages of Forgiveness
1. Uncovering phase
2. Decision phase
3. Work phase
4. Deepening phase
The uncovering phase is where people explore how their chronic holding onto resentment, anger, or hate has a negative impact on their own lives
The decision phase involves making a choice to try and forgive
The work phase is where one tries to forgive by reframing an incident, accepting its hurt, and trying to gain an empathic understanding of why the offender acted as he or she did
The deepening phase is the stage in which one tries to gain a deeper sense of meaning as a result of an injury
A very rich old lady gave you her credit card and told you to use it as much as you want to make yourself happy
Retail Therapy
The act of buying special things for yourself in order to feel better when you are unhappy
Retail therapy involves elements of expectancy and surprise, which trigger an endorphin release
Endorphins also work with dopamine, another neurotransmitter known as the "happy hormone"
Material possessions
Form a part of the owner's extended self by constituting symbols for personal and social aspects of identity
"I" component of the self
The pure ego or the thinking self, which could not be further broken down
"Me" component of the self
Divided into the material, social and spiritual components of the self
Parts of the material self
Family and reputation
Possessions such as clothing
The body
The core or the innermost part of the self
Family and reputation
A critical part of the material self
Can express how a person feels about himself
Can affect attitudes and behavior
Contribute to the formation and maintenance of self-image
Means to show status in the society
Can provide a sense of belongingness and self-identity
The amount of money one has could changed the person
There is a direct link between having a steady source of money and having a positive self-esteem and psychological adjustment
Money as part of the material self has the potential to foster a sense of self-efficacy in individuals
Money can activate mindsets
Not only economic commodities but vehicles and instruments for realities of another order: influence, power, sympathy, status, emotion
Roles of material possessions
Control and expertise (actual or impression)
Comfort and emotional sense of belonging
Concrete record of our achievements
Past or future goals
Mementos, souvenirs for past relationships
Belk's 4 fundamental ways in which possessions become an extension of self
By controlling or appropriating objects for personal use
By creating tangible and intangible objects, the self is integrated into the creations
By knowing objects, one becomes passionate about them
By using money, it enlarges our sense of self because it enlarges our imagination of all that we might have and do
Home as identity shell
How does your house look like?
What is the content of your living room?
Are you rich? Poor? Middle class?
Used to show who you are and your status in life
Purchasing material things
Becomes a means in investing to what is called "psychic energy"
Ways consumerism as an extension of one's self and identity can be seen
A person can create a new self or identity by using products which symbolizes certain qualities that he wants to possess
The choice of products and services serves an avenue for self-expression and provides an opportunity for one to show his originality and unique personality
Products and goods may be utilized as a means to communicate a 'message' to the society
Consumerism provides a person to create a distinctive sense of style which marks one's membership to a specific group
Components of materialism
Acquisition centrality: placing possessions and their acquisition in the center of one's life
Acquisition as the pursuit of happiness: believing that possessions and their acquisition are essential to one's happiness
Possession-defined success: considering possession as a criterion for judging one's own and other people's success
Have become parts of the extended self
Positive relationship between self-esteem and owning pets