Behaviourist Approach Treating Phobias

Cards (7)

  • Behavioral therapies counter-condition phobias, replacing fear association with calm association
  • Reciprocal Inhibition
    Fear and calm are opposites, can't co-exist with eachother
  • Systematic Desensitisation
    Gradual treatment
    • Patient taught relaxation techniques
    • Scenarios ranked least to most anxious, work through the anxiety hierarchy
    • Client relaxes at each stage
    • Gradual exposure leads to extinction of fear
  • Flooding
    Immediate, full exposure to fear
    • Causes temporary fear, may attempt to escape
    • Clinician keeps client exposed until temporary panic has stopped due to exhaustion and client is calm in stimulus presence
  • (+/-) A03: Economic Implications
    Flooding requires less sessions, quicker than SD, cheaper treatment, but isn't suited to older clients
  • (+) A03: Garcia-Palacios
    Found 83% of participants with arachnophobia treated with Virtual Reality exposure improved with their phobia, compared to the 0% control; the principles of SD are valid, use of VR allows wide range of exposure
  • (-) A03: Social Phobias

    Both treatments help with scientific phobias, but not so much with social phobias, it is difficult to stimulate social pressures in an office, lacking mundane realism