Cognitive Approach Treating Depression

Cards (6)

  • CBT and REBT change negative schemas and challenge irrational thoughts with cognitive reconstructuring
  • Beck's CBT
    Patient makes and tests hypothesis about the validity of their irrational thoughts
    • When patients realise thoughts dont equal reality, schemas change, with irrational thoughts gone
    • Thought catching = identifying irrational thoughts from negative triad of schemas
    • Set homework of recording irrational thoughts in diary
  • Ellis' Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)

    Development of ABC Model:
    • Dispute - Therapist confronts irrational beliefs
    1. Emperical Arguements - prove irrationality
    2. Logical Arguements - show don't make sense
    • Effect - reduction of irrational thoughts
  • (+) A03: March
    Tested CBT, Drug Therapy and combined treatment
    • At 36 weeks, CBT + DT had 81% effectiveness, but combined treatment had 86% effectiveness
    • CBT reduced suicidal events more than DT
  • (-) A03: CBT Hinderance
    Depression may be too serious to complete the CBT tasks e.g. diaries may not be complete due to a lack of activity levels, commitment etc.
  • (-) A03: Limited Focus
    REBT and CBT only focus on present and current situations, clients may want to focus on past trauma or actually improve present situations